
Hi! i'm 17! I feel so... slow? dumb? OLD.

it's not like my birthday's yesterday. It's THREE FREAKING MONTHS AGO. and it's only recently that it has started to sink in. i AM 17. tsk tsk.

i viewed a blogspot of a bright young girl today. and i should say it was really wow. now looking back mine. it's just that.. mine appeared as somewhat being ran by someone OLD. i know i can make this look more young. yeah i learned some html shiz --sorry for the language but i feel like saying it that way-- anyway. but i'm just too lazy. xD i'm really OLD. omo omo omo.

hahaha and PS. i'm really getting pissed with yahoo mail. their servers are totally whacked up. should i start using microsoft outloook? OMG. SUPER OLD.

UPDATE : though i am OLD. there are still parts of the world where i am considered BATA. for example MY HOME. yes i am definitely bata there. and IRM :> it's so surreal how they call me BATA. and when i say THEY i mean THEM. ALL OF THEM. the guys i mean. :)


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