omo omo omo

this day is so weird. I SWEAR! anyway.. this post is meant for HIM. i know right after everything that had happened. i can still manage to write about him. to think about him even. am i really not over him? is he still in here ---> <3 omo omo wait i cant continue this yet coz someones being weird and for the record its not just ME. anyway. i want to really write this. the feel of me writing will soon be gone.

I know what happen for me to come up with this. I haven't found someone new YET? hahaha and it will be two years since i last saw him. plus its getting cold these days. it's just OUR season. i miss him warming up my cold legs. i miss him. PLUS PLUS PLUS. i was watching we got married AGAIN. and i managed to finish it. until the jeju part. and that made me super yes SUPER sad. anyway..

so i looked back to our pictures. i NEVER do that. i can't. i don't know why but every time i do, i feel like he's watching me as well. so i NEVER EVER click that folder. but today i did. and there's this super adorable picture of us. it's taken from the last day i saw him. birthday of my dad. 2 years ago. he was gwapo there. i was cute :) AS ALWAYS :P hahaha

i super miss him. i miss the feeling of being in love! i miss those days when i am ok feeling dumb. i was young then. i believed in forever and love conquers all. i believed in every promise. i simply BELIEVED. so at the end this is still just all about me now is it?

and i recorded a song that nobody might ever hear. it's OUR song. not official. but i think it is. goodbye girl :P hahaha i'm his goodbye girl. the memory of the day just flooded in. i even took a mischievous photo that requires connection just to confirm. i dont know how to end this so... i'll just end it with a message. FOR HIM.

hey! i miss you! i wish you could actually read this and know for yourself that i am talking to you. but i know for sure that if you manage to see this you'll know that i'm talking to you. i hope. i know i said that i dont love you anymore and i am being unreasonable right now with everything that i am doing. i myself is confused. i know i dont have any feelings for you anymore. but now i'm not so sure. do i really miss YOU or i just miss US? wait which do you prefer? :)) i know you're over me. yes i am finally accepting the fact that you are over me. and you have someone else now. and that's cool! i honestly i dont want you back RIGHT NOW. i mean maybe i want you back but not today. maybe what i want is... the assurance that you will be still just there. i know i'm being selfish right now. miane. chongmal mianhe. can yo settle this for me once and for all?

i just find it weird. now playing PRESSURE.


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