One for the money

I know.. i promised a post and it's coming right up i just have to write this down and i'll get back on that. :) 

Thoughts on the movie "One for the money"

Earlier this night I was anxious... i didn't know what to do or what i want to do... and i hate feeling that.. i bet you do too... I have some movies with me... and i thought maybe a movie can cool it down a bit... actually picked "wanderlust" at first. well because it has jennifer aniston in it. and i love her movies. but halfway through just decided i cant watch it tonight.. just dont have the patience for it so switched to this one...

The movie was brilliant and has the same plot as one of my favorite movies, oddly with Jennifer aniston in it too, Bounty hunter. :) only this time.. she's the bounty hunter. not jen btw. this one. the movie in the title. the one i am talking about. :)) ANYWAY. i'm not just quite sure if the movie really is this good to calm my nerves and make me feel good about this day again or they just did that trick where you put a good song in the end and make people believe that they had a great time watching the whole movie. but one thing is sure.. i haven't noticed that i was almost done with the movie while i was watching it... it's not so fast paced but it wasn't a drag too...

anyway... yeah. after this movie... i think i'm ok marrying a cop. hahahah xD They are just sooo... sexy. xD and manly. and sweet too. nah you'll only get those in the movie though. i should know... Filipino cops are not sexy at all. not even a bit.

WELL. that escalated quickly. HAHAHA

I swear.. my 18th year special will be live in a few hours. ;)


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