18 Prince Charmings :”>


Marco Louis Tan

my baby, kid, younger brother. The sweetest, most annoying little brother there is. No just kidding about the sweetest part. HAHAHA no really, Mico Tan is really sweet and incredibly and genuinely kindhearted. He is the perfect description of what a youngest child is… Open-mouthed smileIt is really awkward to call him baby brother right now because he is so BIG. he gets bigger everyday… xD He can literally toss me out if he wanted to… xD


Christopher Lopez

Childhood friend and childhood crush. Neighbor ever since the world began... Smile with tongue out Though yeah, we never really hang out and stuff… He’s a definite choice for my 18 prince charmings… He was there during my 7th birthday as well! Open-mouthed smile 






Jamison Carino, Neil Pata, Christian John Vibal, Kevin “doug” Escurel, Raymond Fernando and “daddy” Renz Chasser Nacion

HIGHSCHOOL FRIENDS!!!! Smile PSD! So glad they were there during my party. these guys are complete gentlemen. Smile Some even went out of their way and agreed to be my impromptu Prince Charmings! Smile




Josiah Alfonso, Charles Tan, Rich John Tortoles

Josh is from my mother’s side, Charles from daddy’s and Kuya Johngee from Lola’s! Smile ow actually kuya john gee is not technically my cousin, he’s my uncle Winking smileDon’t I just have the coolest, most goodlooking relatives ever? Open-mouthed smile you know what they say, it runs in the family! Winking smile



Archival Bryan Gan, Cyrill David Vergara and Miguel Antonio Quiambao

Besides from having really nice names, they were really the closest guy friends I have in class! Smile Not really one of the boys type but I enjoy having guy friends! Archie and Cy even played for my Debut! Open-mouthed smile Miguel is a great singer too, too bad I wasn’t able to find a chance for him to sing during the party xD Archie and I share the same humor.. it is so the same that one time he told me a joke and said that he specifically thought of me with that one because he knows that I will laugh while others may find it corny. don’t know if that’s a compliment or what right? Open-mouthed smile Cyrill has been oour constant lab group mates… he’s the only one who stuck by us till the end… our other guy labmates have disappeared along the years… I even single-handedly picked his song… I picked Second Chances by Demi Lovato which was written by John Mayer! typical guitarist… he loves John Mayer so much! Open-mouthed smile Miguel’s song is also one of the automatic picks.. his song was “Out of my league” only because I first heard that song because he was singing it a lot back then! and oh.. I forgot to mention that… SOON they will be MEDICAL TECHNOLOGISTS. hot right? Winking smile



Clyde Buan, Timothy John Ortega, Mark Anthony Pulido

another set of musicians everybody! Smile Kuya Clyde, the resident bassist of IRM Malanday, TJ –> vocals, drums, bass and everything else Smile with tongue out and kuya Mark resident Drummer of MFBC Open-mouthed smile don’t I just have the most talented prince charmings ever? SmileKuya Clyde has been kuya clyde ever since growing up… though he didn’t grew up that much Smile with tongue out JOKE! hahaha Timothy is well… my BESTFRIEND Open-mouthed smile you’ll even be shocked to know that he hasn’t turned 17 yet… timothy is my Jacob Smile yes.. the Jacob from the twilight saga hahaha and since this is my blog post… I AM BELLA SWAN! xD he knows very well how much I value him so enough of him Smile with tongue outMOVING ON to Kuya Mark.. kuya mark is one of the closest friends I have in MFBC! He’s the one who stuck with me through everything! We even had a special bonding before I went here… Kuya Mark is just plain special… Because of him.. I gave drummers a second chance Smile with tongue out I somehow disliked drummers because of their weird ego that every drummer has but because of Kuya Mark and his undeniable talent and nice personality… HOW COULD I?


Jan Nikko Dapitin

Highschool bestfriend Smile Bestfriend from Pre-Doha era… He was the only one who remained friends with me… I remember him being the only one who has left a message on my friendster back then. YUP! we were already friends when friendster and Yahoo! Messenger was still so cool! xD I was supposed to have 3 choreographed dance but somehow he was the only one who was available to practice with me Winking smile hence the pose Open-mouthed smileand yeah… though he requested to be my last dance which DUH I can’t give him just because… idk how it happened but HE BECAME MY 18th PRINCE CHARMING… 

My Last Prince Charming… my one and only KUYA, Kuya Michael Lois Alfonso Smile


My Big brother… now he really is my most annoying big brother Open-mouthed smile and I’m his most annoying little sister! Winking smile Yes, we had that typical sibling story growing up… we fought a lot and irritated each other a lot… but unlike every other relationships I had similar with his… I remember the exact moment when we decided to stop fighting and talk about real things… you know.. mature things… matters of the heart things… I always joke about how my Kuya must have left a part of his brain on my mother’s womb and somehow it ended up with me… because it is just so weird that I know him SO WELL! I can seriously TELL whenever he’s lying or not… he’s the overly protective but in a so inappropriate manner brother that I guess some people wants Smile with tongue out SO, for the boys who would break my heart…. GOODLUCK Winking smile if he’s too small for you… look again at the beginning of this post… haha Smile with tongue out


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