18 bestfriends part 2!

10. Coleen Tan

Coleen is a cousin from daddy’s side… She has always been shy and quiet whenever they come to visit or whenever we come to visit… She is younger than me so I can remember her growing up… I was actually shocked to see her post-doha era because the little girl I once saw has turned into a lady now… I think she is even taller than I am xD

11. Shekina Alfonso

Shek is another cousin but from my mama’s side… she is one of the best things that happened to m e last January 2011… Embarrassed smile I have this one memory of her when we were kids… we watched the Little Mermaid on Ice at Araneta Coliseum… I believe it was for her birthday Smile We weren’t really given the chance to always spend a lot of time together but that didn’t or won’t matter. Winking smile

12. Chellkie Jean Abuda

Ate Chellkie is another cousin from daddy’s side… we somehow did grew up together… and we had this classic cousins story.. we were always fighting! Open-mouthed smile I was so immature back then but thank God she wasn’t so immature like me… I don’t know how it got better but like every other childhood relationship you just have… one day you just grow up and start to realize better things to do than fight… She actually gave me one of the most thoughtful gifts during my birthday… it was a journal… she remembered the stories I used to write when I was still young.. awww… sweet right? Smile

13. Mardanne Orilla

a sister by heart and sister in Christ Smile UST blockmate. One of the greatest friends that I had during my post-Doha era. Meeting Dane was truly a blessing… She’s one of the manifestations that Jesus loves me indeed! Through her I have experienced having friends outside of church talk about stuffs that is related to church! our EMPRESS Winking smile

14. Rhea May Perez

chueerry! Smileanother blockmate! my MAUM and QUEEN! Smile chue is one of the bubbliest or yeah.. bubbliest friend ever! She was even my supposed to be host during the party! Open-mouthed smile her pesonality is just so.. I mean look at her in the picture… parang host na host lang ang peg di ba? coming from Doha… we only had GMA then so seeing Toni after meeting chueerry made me say.. “OMG. si Toni, ginagaya si Chueerry” Surprised smile
15. Alody Frances Sy

DIDI! Smile UST blockmate. and sweetest girl ever! I am really blessed to have her as a friend! We can talk about anything! even the Jonas Brothers! Open-mouthed smile though she didn’t get to attend my party she still managed to surprise me with her gift! She gave me something only a Didi can think of… LRT CARDS! Open-mouthed smile so creative right?

16. Kimberlie Ann Umali

KIM Open-mouthed smile my debut singer! Smile UST blockmate. Kemberlou is definitely the kind of friend you want to keep for the rest of your life… She is so talented and beautiful in so many ways. Kim has always been the one I know I can depend on. Open-mouthed smile Embarrassed smile known her as a really fabulous girl ever since the first day of class... She's actually the type of person i thought i wouldn't get the chance of being friends with xD well would you look at that ;)

17. Janelle Umandap

Janelle Smile Yup this girl… the one on the picture is the Janelle Lao Umandap I was talking about on one of the earlier posts… Smilebeing her friend is really a MUST.

18. Michelle Lois Alfonso
ATE! my one and only sister. Smile my sweetest sweetest ate… SmileGod really loves me to give her as a sister. And I’m not saying this only because she fills my wardrobe but because she really is the world’s best ate Smile not that I have already ran out of words but there is just really not enough words to tell how happy I am to have her Smile


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