*i totally forgot about the last post and i can't remember where exactly i was heading to then so let me just start anew*
*oh wait maybe i was about to explain the quote by angel locsin :)) so let me just start with that*

Sa bawat isang tinatanggap mo, isang libo ang tinatanggihan mo -Angel Locsin, Unofficially Yours
 Translation? "Each one welcomes you, a thousand rejecting" BY GOOGLE TRANSLATE. hahaha so fail. :)) anyway the real? translation is.. "For every one thing that you accept, you are rejecting a thousand more" 

I guess that quote really sums up everything that is going through my life right now. With every yes, i am saying no to a lot more. But I guess that's just how the world goes... you win some, you lose some. 

I never really grasped the weight of that one YES that I gave away until that block party.... I never really understood what i will lose until that last night with the people i have spent most of my 3 years with....

BMT! I am going to miss you SO BAD! And i'm going to be sooooo jealous of your future photos... the photos that you will have with our intern uniform.. the one where you will teach the next batch on how to perform phlebotomy, your thesis making and defense photos, your graduation photos....

if there's one more thing that i would want to say it is... PLEASE REMEMBER ME. Whenever you are lacking willpower and all that.. remember me. I want to be in your position so bad. I want to be able to experience stress UST MEDTECH style. Whenever you feel like you're getting bored in your hospital duties, remember me. That i am somehow willing to trade my one year of being with my family again just to be able to bore myself out on Hospital duties. Whenever all else fails you and you don't have any reason to do what you are doing, remember me... Do it for me... I never really got to finish what you are going to finish and miles away from you I AM SO WISHING THAT I WAS ABLE TO.

I know it's a lot to ask especially from me. but trust me when i say...

I WILL REMEMBER YOU! whenever i am getting tired of repeating everything all over again... I WILL REMEMBER YOU GUYS and let you be my motivation to make it a point I WILL GRADUATE! You will be one of the reasons, guys, I will really strive to finish my studies.. This time around, it's not only going to be for God, Family, and myself... It's going to be for you as well! You have made a huge difference in my life. :)


Unlike Anne's post... I can't leave a message for everyone.. because I am foreseeing that it would contain a lot of... "We never really got to talk so much" hahaha knowing how shy i am.. (to all who will disagree, I AM SHY with them... )  so... HERE IT IS! :) just a few messages for a few people :)

paula! pe-mate during 1st year 1st sem... wouldn't know what to do every lunch time, then, without her :)  so thank you paula! :) nikka! our PRO. every time it was raining or we knew there is something going on, i always pray to God that nikka's name would appear on my phone with this.... "CLASSES ARE SUSPENDED TODAY" and i really just jump in joy every time i will receive one... thank you nikka for your hard work :) and yes nikka you write very good blog posts :) i read every single one of them :) anne! :) thank you for that time you shared about your family... :) Thank you for those times that we talked.. really appreciate all of them.. and.. THANK YOU really just thank you! :) I pray that in due time God will give you the desires of your heart.. :) and trust in Him that He will :) MJ! you are just the sweetest person in BMT... you have a really sweet smile and genuine concern for everyone... Thank you for that time that i missed that theo exam with ma'am yaranon and helped me contact her... MJ's smile can just really take your panic and stress away... :) knowing that she has one of the most stressful job in the class *treasurer* she still manages to give that sweet sweet smile. thank you MJ really. :) Camella! Thank you for sharing your story with us. :) Really appreciated.. and also continue on what you are doing :) You have been a blessing to me :) and I will continually pray for you! Edward! thank you for that time when we were in line at the cashier. Thank you for keeping me company and for letting me go first haha :) and oh for that wonderful tip you gave me about how ATM just cut off 200 pesos out of your account! hahaha became mindful of that ever since! Leumee it might be nothing to you but thank you for asking about my dad... :) you were the only person in class to actually ask me about that :) Lorie! Thank you for playing the guitar during my debut! and oh sorry about those times when you would say Hi to me in the hallway and i wouldn't even notice you only because i am so spaced out xD i didn't mean any of those i swear! nevertheless THANK YOU LORIE from the bottom of my <3 you made my debut extra special :) ARCHIEEEEEEE thank youuuuuuuuu!!! for everything! for playing at my debut down to the random conversations we had! :) you are one of the most talented person, not just in class but, in the whole universe *wow lang* hahaha archie thank you so much. I hope you know that you are a friend to me *drama lang?* hahahah anyway archie hope to hear more of your music in the coming years! ikee! thank you for letting us stay in your house! i really believe you would be a good Ms. Pharmacy :)  REIN! you may not know but I am always happy to see you only because you really look like a giant teddy bear! soooo cuuutteeee :) AINEE! you are the best president ever! Thank you for all of your efforts for the class! very much appreciated! :) DANE! gosh dane! hahah the Lord knows how thankful I am of being your friend. Thank you so much dane! You have been a huge blessing to me. I could not somehow imagine my life without you and the girls.. thnak you for being the mighty bond in our group.. you somehow hold us all together.. thank you! and sorry because i know i am a brat sometimes but still you put up with me... I LOVE YOU DANE! CHUERRY! maum! queen! I love you! and thank you for all the support and love you gave me. You really are a blessing! and I just pray that the Lord will continue to enlighten you and nourish you and that you will be Him for the rest of your life! btw. I WILL SERIOUSLY miss you julielmo stories! I may be able to hear some in the future but nobody would be able to tell it just as you would... :)  Miguel! thank you for that time where you somehow joined me in my heartbreak :)) hahaha that one time you commented on my picture. i won't ever forget it :) ATE INA! thank you for everything ate ina! :) You are just so sweet and I know that you know it... It is really a waste, you not having siblings... I just know that you would really rock at being ate :) thank you ate ina for everything :) Jamz! haha thank you for being a friend. :) and uh. i don't have anything else to say apparently :P hahahaha PAT! just know that i am thankful :) ZY! for all the laughs that you gave me... whether you were aware of it or not. :))) Let me know if you and Arvin finally are together ok? :)) Jhoana! i miss your absolutely gorgeous hair.. :) Thank you for everything :) My college life would have been different without you in it. and i mean it! :) MHEL!!!!! mhel mhel mhel! THANK YOU because despite what the office had said... you still transferred to our block! :)) i really enjoyed your presence mhel. :)) so from the bottom of my heart.. thank you! :) VYKA! vykaaaaaaaaa. thank you for everything. and sorry for those times that we would just let you do all the work by yourself xD nevertheless i really am thankful and really happy that i have got to meet a person like you vyka, with those tasty and ever so daring attitude of yours :)) DIDI!!!! thank you didi! from the bottom of my heart. and you are just one of the persons that i am sure i will never forget! :) You are sweet and kind and still manages to be so cool at everything that you do! Thank you for EVERYTHING. and I MEAN EVERYTHING. GAHD didi. I miss you! and I LOVE YOU DIDI! :) Allan! allan thank you for being a good friend! :) bmt wouldn't be what it is without you :) Prince! prince!!!! :)) believe me when i say i am glad that i have met you. though you have always been weird and haha just kidding. but really i am thankful that i have met you. remember the fan you drew on.. yep bringing it with me :> and again... bmt wouldn't be what it is if you weren't in it... so thank you! :) MAEMAE!!!!!! i miss you maemae! :) thank you for everything. for waking me up every time :)) for asking questions everytime :))) for sharing your snacks and everything else. thank you maemae! :) I miss you really. :) KIM!!!! THANK YOU KIM. for everything. and i mean it everything! I am truly grateful that we became friends. My life would have never been the same if we weren't... and that's the truth really. :) I pray that you get everything your heart desires... :) I love you kim! JANELLE!!!!! thank God for Janelle :) Thank you for being the best listener ever. Thank you for being the no. 1 support system that i need. Thank you because i know you get me in such a different level. THANK YOU JANELLE! for being a good friend. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU because you have touched my life in ways i can't imagine... :) LOVE YOU JANELLE! :) and last... CYRILL!!!!! haha cy! thank you! for everything. My life wouldn't have been the same as well if i haven't got to meet you :) Goodluck in everything that you will do! :)

BMT! I know, finally, you guys are now interns! All our hard works have paid of but know that there is still much ahead of you! Be sure that you are in my prayers and I am excited to see all of you graduate and head out to Med School! GOD BLESS BMT! thank you for everything! :) 


  1. well, so here goes...
    i've read your 3 latest posts (yes, i've been stalling my posts myself... it's bec of work, not bec i'm lazy...and not bec it's only you who's reading my stuff haha)

    you know, i kinda noticed, you're really doing this blog thing to be remembered. like a diary. like how a blog's supposed to be :)

    and i'm the same with you on that part. it's ... something you can look back on when your years pass.

    you'll be remembered for sure mariel.
    you're pretty, kind, perky (when provoked), sensible, cute (esp when in kid mode) and a definite family-lover :) you're really something :) and i'll especially remember you. we don't get to bond anymore really...and i'm sad. you'll never hear me say it nor see me do it but sometimes, i just wanna talk with you over long hours hearing whatever story you wanna blurt out. especially about your family and stuff. it's just nice :)

    i really hope that... one day, before you go, we could spend time out. a whole day perhaps, if time permits. and we'll talk about all the sensible and senseless stuff in the world.

    then i'll cry haha...


    1. Ow, Hi again kuya patch. saw this comment late xD :)) I do hope as well that we could go out to bond again. hahaha just not over milk tea xD :)) i still have 3 weeks left! please squeeze me in your oh so hectic sched. :)) AND winner yung.. "then i'll cry" hahahaha

    2. hahahahaha :D but i just might :) if you're fine with it, how does next saturday sound? :) and okay, not over milk tea HAHAHAHAHA


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