little did i know...

My favorite part of every story is the "little did I know" part....

The fascination from the phrase came from the movie.. "stranger than fiction" 

Little did he know. That means there's something he doesn't know, which means there's something you don't know, did you know that?  - Dr. Jules Hilbert 
If you don't know the movie, watch it.. it's a real great watch.. :)

Right now.. I am in the "little did i know" phase of my life.... I must admit.. it's scary in here... though I am thankful that I am here... even if i do not exactly know what will happen next.... I KNOW SOMETHING WILL! and I know it's going to be BIG! because that's just how it works... ALWAYS....

Last Sunday I was reminded yet again of my life verse..

"Be still and know that He is God." -Psalms 46:10 
 With everything that is happening... with all the panic and anxiety that i have been experiencing... Not only did I forgot to be still... but also forgot to know that He is God... I kept on thinking about things I do not know... when all this time i could have focused on something I do know... the beautiful truth that He is God... :)


  1. little did i know..
    that that cute girl i was always curious about who she was about a year ago was...
    you :)

    there was this girl with glasses whom jasmine was talking to about a year back. i THINK i remember her wearing a striped shirt (white and violet???).
    i forgot to ask jasmine that day so ... months pass then somehow, i remembered.

    little did i know that one day, i'd actually meet her and even escort her to eastwood :)

    it was you mariel :D

    the rest is when we meet again :)

    1. awwww. that's so sweet kuya patch. :) Little did we know we will be close friends :)

    2. but our God is just so amazing that He orchestrates these things so that we meet wonderful you :)


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