
Today i received the results of my NMAT. ~National Medical Admission Test~ and it is NOT AT ALL acceptable. xD i was expecting low, yes, i mean come on.. i partied (cousin's debut) the night before, woke up late on the day of the exam, was so hungry and sleepy on most parts of the exam... i did some preparations but it wasn't enough. and it reflected on my score... but i wasn't expecting this low. xD GAAAAAHHHHH. anyway. i'll shake that off. I prayed for that and I know the Lord took over. I believe this is all part of His greater plan :)

BTW. today we have our passports! :) I have a good chance i'll have mico and mama over here for christmas! YAY RIGHT?

SO NMAT! you're not going to take my happiness for today. I HAVE A BIGGER BRIGHT SIDE to look at :)


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