i wish.

I normally share my blog posts in facebook. but this post won't be shared. well because... i'm shy hahaha just like a 14 year old. i have a crush on someone in facebook. :P

These words are not from me but this is how i feel exactly. BTW... he is the only one i do this with :)

I love ‘poking’ you on Facebook. Because of you, suddenly Facebook ‘pokes’ seem less stupid. Until I met you, the ‘poke’ was just an annoying relic to which the Western world’s most mature social network seemed stubbornly to cling, an element to imagine as interesting only to ‘tweens,’ but now whenever it says you have ‘poked’ me I want to poke you back immediately. I want you to never again have to wait long for me to click ‘poke back,’ because I want you to kinda smile the way that I do and I log in and it says “[You] have poked [me],” with your name in luminous, linkable blue text to remind me that you are a real person who is thinking about me.
You make me wish that there was some kind of ‘next level’ Facebook poke, like, a special poke that was somehow more distinct or recognized than the standard, and you even kind of make me wish all of our Facebook friends could see how much we poke one another so that they could tease us about it. I have irrational daydreams about having a wedding with you where our internet friends are there and someone stands up to make a toast and says something like, “I totally knew this day would come from the first time I saw them exchanging hundreds of poke notifications.”

SOURCE: thoughtcatalog


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