Conclusion for 2011

just like last year.... no more resolutions, just an end of the year conclusion... :)
i'm still making plans for 2012 though :P

To start off... 2011 was AMAZING! i'm not saying that every day was great but looking back... all i can remember is having so much fun! :) I had a lot of firsts and lasts.... first time zip lining and last trip to Doha, though I really wish not xD I don't really know how to sum this such great year with such little amount of energy that I have... so I'll just thank the people who made 2011 so amazing! They're the reason why this year has been a good one anyway... :)


First of all to my Lord, Jesus Christ, for EVERYTHING :) for leading me back.. for being faithful even when I am not. I am in awe of your grace oh Lord that i can't contain it anymore I just have to overflow :) to my family, Mama, for still managing to be the best mom ever :) I love you mama, You're presence this holiday season is the best present I have gotten this year :) Daddy, thank you for everything :) I love you too like "hindi nauubos and tuloy tuloy lang" :P Thank you for working hard to continually provide for us, to give us not only what we need but also what we want :) Ate, for being the sweetest ate. for always giving and never asking something in return. for loving me all the time I LOVE YOU ATE! Kuya, for being funny. hahahaha seriously, I love you kuya thank you for all the midnight fun that we have... siguro pag midnight lang nagkakasabay yung utak kasi natin no? Ate april, thank you for everything. thank you for being what my kuya needed I love you and again welcome to the family! :) Mico, thank you mico for all the fun that we had, for being the cutest little brother ever. for your patience and out-of-this-world understanding... you're truly growing up baby boy! to my extended family, Mommy, for being the most kikay lola ever. for always praying for me and for loving me just the way I am :) Lolo, for always being there for me... for preparing my packed lunch :P for being the coolest lolo one could possibly ever have. Tita liz, for understanding and loving me always, for cooking our delicious meals every day :) Tito randy, for being the coolest aunticle :P for being someone who could always relate to me in every level, in every way possible. to my relatives, Cousins, Titos and Titas and everyone there is in my clan, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. :) I may not be able to single out your name, but the Lord knows how grateful I am on having you as family :) Churchmates! Ate Avis, THANK YOU so much for everything, for being the bestfriend, sister, cell group leader and many more, that I need. Ate Jez, for being a good friend and for being such an inspiration. You guys are truly a blessing together with Ate joanne, ate joy, cris and everyone else in our cell group. Joyce, for being the best supporting friend i could possibly ever have. I dearly thank the Lord for having the opportunity to have met you. Still am thankful whenever i remember the time i saw you in Recto ;)  Zyreen, for still being someone to count on... I MISS YOU girl! Nicole! for that one time you posted on my wall, it still makes me smile :) Janine, Karen, Rose, Shikira, Ate Julie, Ate Joy Ann, Ate Jeng, Jovita, Joylove, Ate Alvie, Ate Baddette, Kuya Karel, Kuya Carlo, Kuya Patch, Kuya Ryan, Kuya Mark, Daddy Eldan and everyone else in JGEN THANK YOU! 2011 wasn't that great without you guys :) I really thank God for having met such wonderful people like you! Angela, Kuya Mark, Kuya Clyde, Ate Yayee, Anna, Annie, April, I know we don't see each other a lot but still... THANK YOU! because you contributed to what I am today :) BESTFRIENDS! EKEKZ! Hashing, Smootchie, Mikki, Therese, Abby, Xexe, Mommy Pao, for the all the fun that we are still having this 2011. for still being the girls i can easily confide in, for being the girls I could always count on and for being the girls that accept me as me :) I LOVE YOU TO BITS! TJ, for still being the best friend I am so thankful for. for still managing to never let me down and for always staying by my side.:) Nikko Panget! :) for the advices, the dance, the bond, everything! Royal Family! Chueerry, Denden, Kemberlou, Janelle and Didi THANK YOU for all the fun! Thank you for giving me the complete experience. I love each and everyone of you including maemae, vyka and melmel :) Bestfriend Howell! thank you! for giving me the most honest information ever :P ;) High School friends, Raymond, Daddy Rc, Bin, Neil, Jamison, Sarah, Kat, Angela, Sophie, Lhean, Danica, Al and every other PSDian i get to be with this year... THANK YOU! for still remembering me :) Paul Munoz, for that one time you messaged me on fb with the banat i don't know if you ever knew but I was having such a hard time then because of my exams and yet there you were making me smile without you even knowing... so THANK YOU! BMT for still being the best block ever! :) facebook friends, Mark Jayson Palad Cruz for all the talks that we had, Darren Bano, for being my number 2 fan :P Sean Gil Quiben, for having met a fellow thomasian like you who enjoys starbucks a lot :P, Jonathan dela Cruz for the short lived friendship :P Aaron Calinisan for all the pokes and small talks :) Your pokes still make me smile :) Pastor Gil, Pastor Bong, Pastor Ariate, Pastor Norman, Pastor Elmer, Pastor Tonet, Pastor Erol, Pastor Peter for being such good models and for all the inspiring and challenging thoughts :) SAVED festival for giving me the heart again for Godly music :) To EVERYONE! for letting me know what life is about. for letting me feel alive. for showing me that it is still worth the try. :)

2011 is really WOW. It's not every time good but it is one of those years you might want to repeat just because it is good :) I started my year with only kuya, mommy, lolo and tito randy... Last valentines I received a flower... IN A POT! from dane :) I had the best and most tiring adventure with my favorite girls as the school year ends. I got the best grades ever. I get to spend my summer break in Doha. That means 2 sweet whole months with my family minus kuya. I get to have the best plane rides ever with my best friends Mommy Pao and Therese :) I attended EASTMAR again, I remember attending it when I was still a little child... I get to ice skate with my favorite girls minus chueerry. Then not long after I am once again reunited with my family, complete this time. I spent my birthday this year not only with my family, but with everyone that I love :) I get to wear this amazing dress and have the party that I have always dreamed for. Then soon after is the torture that was Bacteriology. then receiving the lowest grades ever. :( But after that is the most fun sem break ever! I get to join the Praise and Worship Team of MFBC in their Team building in Tagaytay. Then after 2nd sem came and though we expected stress, surprisingly the 1st part of 2nd sem was full of chillaxing moments. We get to see didi's home, kim's home, go to world trade and experience Nuvali as a year ender with my favorite girls. Next, I get to experience caroling with my churchmates for the first time ever. I learned a lot with that experience but that would be another post. Then not long after Mico and Mama arrived for the holidays and now here I am typing my 2011 conclusion... :)

I've been typing here for hours thinking on how to bring justice to a great year that was 2011 but somehow I can't manage to arrive at that... I've been blessed this year with a lot of things. 2011 was really a breakthrough year for me... I get to be SO BLESSED. I can't put it in words. God has truly opened up the heavens for me this year. and I know... the best is yet to come... :) Looking forward to a great 2012! I'm Hoping that the names I see in here will still be in my next year's conclusion :) SO AGAIN. THANK YOU EVERYONE :) Have a blessed NEW YEAR!


  1. wow... that is such an amazing way of squeezing and squishing in all the great things God has brought in your life for the past year :) and i'm part of it? c'mon! :) thanks!

    but more importantly the fact that you recognize all your blessings and not failing to thank Him who matters most is such a wonderful thing! great job! i am proud of you mariel! :)

    hahaha it seems i'll be an avid follower of this blog of yours... keep it up and i look forward for more years with you!


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