..cHarGers.. lolX..
i'Ve gOt nOthiNg tO dO sO i thougHt i'LL jusT wriTe a new poSt.. WARNING:: yOu migHt find this posT bOring and nOnsenSe buT i doNt finD iT totaLLy nOnsenSe hehehe.. if yOu're interesTed coNtiNue readiNg.! I think everyone who is interested to read this knows that ever since I wanted to be a doctor. I never got confused about that, because I’ve always wanted to be one. Recently we had the mock test for our college entrance exam and unfortunately I got a low score. During that time I really doubted if I still want to pursue my life long dream, to be a doctor. I am thinking that I may not be qualified to be one since I can’t even pass my mock test so how much more in the college entrance test? During that day I’m really thinking whether I still want to be a doctor or not. I’ve got really frustrated. I have a lot of going through with my life today and I don’t think I can handle more. I really can’t afford any additional problems anymore. The next day, I went home alone...