mY 4th yr project in values.. as i remember it.. our teacher asked us to choose which philosophy is best applied in our lives.. and this is how i did it! :)) --- HAHAHA ANG HABA PALA XD --- I, my self, prefer to be more of a realist. Realism is seeing things as what they truly are. It is not wrong to dream and to create a vision of what you want to be or how things you want to be in the future but being able to see the true value of a certain object is, to what I believe, is a blessing. I once read in a book, though it is only in the writer’s opinion, it says that when you die you will not actually go to this “paradise” but instead God will give you the chance for Him to explain your life and that will be the greatest gift you can ever receive. I believe in that. That being able to see the real meaning why you have met this certain someone, experienced this certain situation and felt those certain feelings will be the best reward one can ever receive. Through realism, we can achieve th...
i didn't comment on this before coz i'm as every bit as human as you are. you need to breathe out sometimes so the good ones come in :)