

this is mine. MY OWN personal space. MY WORLD.

why should i mind you?

so here it goes.

AND I SWEAR. even if you arrive with a comeback for this one.. i won't do this again. i just refuse to be this person. so i'll stop. AFTER THIS :P

round 2! :D this is just a pity. after all we've been through. and nothing pains me more, oh well except of course the actual things that are happening in my life right now, than us  being this. people who  are too afraid to do what has to be done, like i dont know express how mad? we are at each other?, and instead turn our feelings into nonsense meant-for-someone facebook posts... oh what the hell i'll just say it.

I hate you. and though i never say "never again" or such because i dont know what happens tomorrow and I LIKE my WORDS KEPT. i'll say it for you both. NEVER AGAIN. never again will our friendship be like before. NEVER AGAIN would you see me as you saw me before. AND NEVER AGAIN would my trust for you both be the same. just never again.

i thought i lost something important when i lost you... but then just this week i lost my promise ring and then i realized... yeah with my promise ring i lost something really important.  something that i would never have again. something that i personally kept and wore for years now. something that no matter what, i would never have the exact same thing ever. as for you? you could say the same but i feel more positive finding another you than finding another promise ring that is good enough to replace my lost one.

***after an hour... i tried on a different ring because my finger is really missing my ring.. and it turns out. i'm fine with it. :) maybe i dont need the same ring, same design after all... and i'm getting a new one. it's so cute though i will really miss my old one :( ***

so THANK YOU for the "friendship" and THANK YOU! for showing me things i didnt see. things i refused to see before.

and for the sake of our "friendship" i would consider everything we had as REAL. though it probably isnt 100% for you... i would like to give you that.

and just when you do the autopsy here... know that everything i showed you guys is real. never did i do whatever you did. i meant everything i said. my conscience is clear. i cant care less about yours but plain and simple for me, it's clear. i'm not saying i dont have any fault here. i'm just saying the things i did was all "reactions" not revenge no. i say "getting even" :P or if you take out all the ego on those words i'd say.. i did it because that is what you want. that is something you want to do but was too afraid to.

I'm DONE :)

and on a really really final note....

"you dont get to have me back" ~jar of hearts, aka the song that is playing in my head everytime i remember you. :)))


  1. 'tis sad it has to come to this really but i already said my piece in FB :) but really, as you know, you're not the only who's been betrayed by your friends. there are even some betrayed by their loved ones even their families. and we even betray ourselves. but what i do know is that God will never break our trust in Him. let go of the pain, the hate and the bitterness. maybe not now but make sure you take a step to do it every day. i'll pray for healing for your heart. just be proud that you've been real to them and you've done your best. let God do the rest wokie dear? still here for you, patch. loveyah and Godbless us all :)


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