and a blog :)

so help me God.

I have a lot of unfinished entries and I really hope that I will be able to finish this one :)

I started my week with this....
btw. this is from my planner (Slate 2012), it's a weekly planner so this quote is good for a week which is (March 26-April 1) I promise this information is somehow essential for tonight's entry

Before anything else, let me take you back on an earlier post…

If you read that then you get it by now that I was having a super BORING week. I can’t even admit that I was bored because I really love to stay at home! I can practically survive for months without leaving the house granted I’ll have food and internet and TV and DVDs. :P anyway. To simply say it I forgot that one (the one above) or rather can't believe that something awesome is about to happen. 

As the earlier post stated... I have nothing to look forward to. That is something new for me and it sucks btw. But the thing is if I have something to look forward to, my tendency would be to just look forward to that moment and forget whatever's happening now. AND I know right how could I say that I have nothing to look forward to when almost everybody knows that something big is coming up? And no matter how hard I try to forget that, whatever that is, is about to happen, I can’t! I remember seeing a 9gag photo once with live your life as if you’re going to die tomorrow and the person just end up saying… “I DON’T WANT TO DIE YET” because that’s real talk… I mean right now, if you are going to tell me that I am about to die that’s what I would first think of. But not really. xD ANWAY….

I have a boring (super) week; I have nothing to look forward to which is new because God knows how I have planned out my entire life. I even have a date for my wedding already for crying out loud. That’s how planned my life is… and now that everything is not going to plan or rather some things are going against it, I’m freaking out. And for anonymous to tell me that something awesome is about to happen it just doesn’t seem logical xD

BUT THEN something awesome did happen, yesterday and today. Right before my week end. Right before I turn to another page and live another quote…

YESTERDAY (March 31) I was not sure if I want to go to Ate Avis’ brother’s wedding in Batangas… well because I don’t really know the groom and the bride and I feel like I’d be totally out of place… but then I will go nevertheless since my parents already agreed to it and they were even eager to let me be with my grandparents thinking I’d just be stuck here at home alone again so might as well just go with them.. But then this brilliant idea came to mind hours before going to Batangas… I remembered my high school classmate Russel who is living in Batangas… not really sure what city but I messaged him in FB with a little pinch of hope that I could meet him there at Lipa… THEN while we were on our way, I received a text message not from Russel but from Otan, another high school classmate, saying we could just meet up at SM Lipa! And boom it happened! Instead of attending the wedding, I decided to just hang out with my high school classmates... We watched Wrath of the Titans and played around Quantum. IT WAS FUN! And even if we didn’t really get to talk after the graduation it feels like nothing’s changed they were still the same guys from high school. Haha of course now a little bit more mature but nahhh :))

Russel.yeye.Otan - even in Highschool these guys have been my closest friends ever!
Also another awesome thing that happened yesterday was… MY GRADES!!!! I PASSED! Who would have thought I will pass everything this sem huh? I didn’t really aim for high grades but it turned out better I guess… It was really a #miracle I tell you. LORD, I know my grades are all YOU! I had no effort in there whatsoever. The Lord took over completely with that… and yes! I AM READY FOR INTERNSHIP! Not saying that I will be an intern this may... but... Just saying that I am ready for it anytime. Thank you Lord for leaving that window open! 

But it just doesn’t end there… IT GETS BETTER. Last night’s devotion was really… great. No better word to say it but it was really great. Since I was having a boring week my devotion has been so mundane. But Last night, it was like reading the word for the first time. Right, it was REFRESHING! It reminded me of reasons why I am doing what I am doing… truly, a sense of purpose is the best driving force to live… if you have a reason to live you’ll never have a reason to quit! 

TODAY (April 1) – Honestly, even though I really am blessed and really privileged to be able to serve the Lord through my ministry, sometimes I just want to be able to join the congregation. I mean not that I am not being able to praise God from what I do but you get it… And last Sunday thank God Ate Jez was there J I really needed that. I really needed to just be able to really cry out to God everything that is happening. It’s just too overwhelming both positively and negatively. THEN SOL GRADUATION! YAY! Even though I won’t get to graduate from the university next year… I get to gradate SOL! At first I was really thinking that somehow I get my consolation prize… but as it looks like... I got the grand prize! Hey, a lot of people graduate from the university… but not everyone has the guts and willpower to graduate from SOL!

YAY! correct spelling! haha 
YUP what made this experience more AWESOME was the fact that I was classmates with my GRANDMOTHER! and she even topped the class! 
hahaha why i was so happy that my name is correctly spelled this time.. this certificate was from MFBC when I graduated from Prep :) and nobody has mispelled my name so much than this one :))

 FINALLY… yup promise last na :)) COURAGEOUS. That film made me cry many times. It was about fathers learning how to become DADDYS :) because it takes a REAL MAN to be a daddy :) And everyone knows already what’s going on with my dad today… I wish I could be there for him right now... and like Kina’s song… I wish my love can make it go away but sadly… my love is not enough… and thankfully JESUS’ LOVE IS! SO DAD! Hang on in there ok? I miss you so much… but like how Mico said it once… “Magkikita naman tayo ulit tapos pagnagkita tayo hindi na tayo maghihiwalay” :”) 
My dad too.... is A MAN OF COURAGE! He has survived Cancer once and He'll be able to do it AGAIN! all with God's grace :) 


  1. :) is all i can say (sorry kinda sleepy haha) God truly makes things work when you least expect it and will reward you, if you endure it all the way :) good job yeyerin!


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