ACHU! *sniff* *sniff*

i told you i'm allergic to broken promises. :P

RATS. i wasn't able to blog yesterday. xD

anyway.. today is the 29th of february! and today is somewhat connected to what i was itching to say since sunday :)

Well last sunday, Pastor Joe Bonifacio talked about love :) How it is supposed to be... How it really should be... How it really is. :) I don't know if you still don't get it yet.. but i'm a hopeless romantic. I AM IN LOVE WITH LOVE. and being loveless at the moment. no that doesn't sound right... and not being with the love of my life yet,  or not being to even have a hmm... glimpse? clue? on who he is. ok fine. and not being with someone now makes me feel... irritated? insecure? impatient? hopeless? but then... Pastor Joe assured me last sunday with God's words one more time... just like how I was blown away with Pastor Peter... Pastor Joe used simple yet concrete examples, illustrations, comparisons for us to get a better grip on the concept.

First. he gave us the ever famous and number one source of pressure, The facebook status. honestly.. my status is not found in the choices so i have mine with It's complicated. HAHA and just like that. boom. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE COMPLICATED. yup. a straight shot. He presented that the one who planned this whole love/marriage thing is God. which is true! and He also said that if your love isn't going to marriage then it's pointless. I figured that out after my last relationship. which is btw 3 years ago. and sometimes i feel like compromising that. whenever someone comes along and he is not really husband material or i just know that he is not in for a really serious thing, i tend to like find loopholes on that rule or something... BUT since it is crystal clear that God is the one who planned this.. I am not going to compromise anymore. :) besides.. another point that Pastor Joe has clearly stated is that... don't think that just because they are compromising and getting what they want they are happy. Since, this is the Lord's plan and compromising means going against God's plan.. how can you say that they are really truly happy? I am not missing out on anything.

Next is.. Pleasure. His illustration with the house, the license and the buffet *oh the buffet* is really nice! Maybe next time when i retype this blog post i will write in detail :) Then purpose. God surely has a purpose with all of this.

anyway. since i don't have enough time.. AND not to make another promise but.. i will edit this post in the future. i just have a few more things to say.. :))

oh right before that.. The reason why today is related to all of that because in the year 2008 where couples got married on 8-8-8 and how they said that it's the perfect time to get married since like their love, it' is one of a kind and blah blah blah... my 14 year old self... or 15... you do the math... was envious... sooo... i then decided that.. my wedding date would be... FEB 29 2020... By that year i am in my ideal marrying age and since feb 29 happens only once every four years. well eh, i could deal with that.. HAHA SO... exactly... 8 years from now... It will be my wedding day :) HAHA and with that...

DADDY, who is now on his chemo... and is feeling weak... you have to be there ok? 8 years from now... you will be walking me down the aisle :) so get ready!

i wish i had more time but sadly... haha it feels like a tv show lol. but seriously.. this LEAP day of the year literally means LEAPing for us. :)

A leap of faith that is. :)


  1. 1) we're always praying for your dad
    2) i hope i'm invited at your wedding :)
    3) i still can't believe you're loveless :P joke! stay pretty and simple yeyerin :)

    -your number 6 fan :)

    1. before anything else.. sorry i'm only replying now :) hehe
      1. or 2? :)) ANYWAY. THANK YOU kuya patch :) really.
      next. OF COURSE YOU ARE! kaya lang baka naman hindi mo pansinin yung wedding ko sa sobrang successful mo ha xD
      and.. i'm not loveless... i get plenty of love from everywhere :) haha at talagang number 6 ha :)) HAHAHA


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