Faith Like Potatoes. :)

I've been putting off this movie for a year now... GOD has given me the perfect time to watch it...

My family is under the same problem we had back then... only now, it's tougher...

but just like Angus Buchan... last time we planted maize and now we are planting potatoes...

Maize you can see, but potatoes, they are different you need to have faith
Of course, last time required a lot of faith as well.. but there was, you know, a clear sign of hope... My dad was strong back then... He had years of investment and we all knew that he can make it... IF there were doubts before... it was just so little, so tiny, barely nothing. Now.... we don't know what we have to face.. OF COURSE we trust God the way we trusted him before, even bigger this time, but just as i said... we are planting potatoes right now... WE DON'T KNOW what we have under the ground... WE DON'T KNOW if we really have potatoes down there... but one thing is for sure... GOD IS WITH US :)

Ecclesiastes 11:4 "Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap."

even though maize will require less water, less fertilizer, more assurance, more guarantee... I SAY... LET'S PLANT POTATOES! yes, it will require more water, more fertilizer, less assurance, less guarantee... BUT POTATOES will also give us MORE HARVEST.... besides... what's there to fear?

God has provided for us in the past. He will do it again. 

THESE are the moments I WILL HAVE TO REMEMBER ALL MY LIFE :) I'm excited on how God will see us through this time.. I'm excited on how He will work this out... I'm excited to see His name be lifted up again :) I'm excited!

Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see."

Romans 8:25 " But if we look forward to something we don't yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently."

Daddy, I love you... Get better please... I know GOD will heal you but you have to be ready to receive His healing too.... Mama, Be strong. WE WILL MAKE IT THROUGH... Ate, Kuya, Mico, and to everyone who still have their parents, LET THIS BE a reminder for all of us... We should love our parents now more than ever... 

LET'S HAVE FAITH! Let this be our testimony! that with everything that is happening... That even though everything may seem against us... we placed our Faith in our Lord and handed him everything we have.... Now it's time to let God do the work! LET GO! LET GOD! :) AJA!


  1. There, thank You Lord for changing mariel's perspective :) That's true, you'll definitely make it through! And I'm with you in prayer all the way :) Let go and Let GOD :) proud of you! :)

    Lord, the ultimate Healer, we pray that with Your gracious Hands, you lay upon Mariel's dad Your great healing and grant him the strength, hope and endurance to face this trial in his life. And we also pray the same be given for his family who patiently and faithfully awaits your move. Lord, we pray that you also provide all their needs: financial, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual to help them see through the other end and not give up. These we all ask, in Jesus' name, AMEN. :)


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