first. I didn’t want to make this as well. BUT there are just certain situations when you just can’t “let it go” or “let it pass by” I’ve reached the point of ENOUGH.
SO. I know I’M NOT PERFECT. I NEVER CLAIMED I AM. I know my attitude is not that perfect either. I have my moments. JUST LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE DOES. AND YES THAT INCLUDES YOU. SERIOUSLY. The person I hate the most are those PRETENDING to be so perfect. And don’t get me wrong. I’m bashing on you like this not because of WHO YOU ARE because TRUST ME. I believe there is NOTHING that could change you. I am doing this because of WHAT YOU HAVE DONE. AND I hope that this post will be a REALITY CHECK FOR YOU.
The words you have just said is JUST TOO MUCH. I could have let it go like that last time and that other time but TODAY. NOPE. you’re not getting away with what you have done. You say TOO MUCH. No wonder.  forgive me I know that’s out of the picture. ANYWAY. Seriously WHO ARE YOU TO SAY those words. just to point it out MISS you have done WAY WAY WAY WORSE than what I did. I know you have an idea of what I am talking about. Drop me a message if ever you want some CLUE on whatever it is. I even lowered my pride for you once. I forgave and ERASED everything you have done, not only to me but also to my family, AND YET HERE YOU ARE AGAIN ACTING INNOCENT. YOU ARE NOT. I REPEAT. YOU ARE NOT INNOCENT. You silly little brat. You know what, I should have not wasted my time here typing all the words you needed to hear because the words you just said is who you are right?  
This is silly. What I am doing is silly. I give up. If you fight fire with fire, you’ll get burned. to think we both are serving the same GOD, that’s just sad right? SO continue on what you believe in. ANYWAY, People should know real soon who you TRULY are. Don’t worry, I’m not saying I’m gonna show them who you are  or am i? 
I HAD ENOUGH OF YOU.  As for me. I AM HAPPY WHERE I AM. I am accountable to GOD and not to YOU. So. May the Lord deal with me. And I know He will deal with you too. Check your actions little girl, and rest assured I will check mine. And a friendly reminder, make sure your hands are clean before you start pointing your fingers. one last thing YOU DON’T KNOW ME. So don’t go around ACTING,which is BTW where you’re very good at KUDOS!, LIKE YOU DO.
This post is made out of LOVE. with a HOPE that MAYBE this post can change your PERSONALITY, you pretty bitchy little liar  
AND OH ALMOST FORGOT. for the curse you laid on me, I return to you your blessing  


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