the 30 day challenge - Day 1!

GOT this from Mae Tiu! :)) and i know i haven't finished blogging my PDL experience yet here i am creating another daily post thing. BUt this is just posting pictures so, this should be easy right? 

DAY 1! 

A picture of yourself with 15 facts.

  1. Laughing can really kill you. 
  2. Men can breastfeed.
  3. Your hand can have a life of its own
  4. Wedding rings are worn on the fourth finger of your left hand because people used to believe that the vein in this finger goes directly to your heart.
  5. On average, people are more afraid of spiders than death.
  6. Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a monday.
  7. Polar bears are left handed.
  8. Your hair is almost indestructible.
  9. You can survive without food but not without sleep.
  10. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.
  11. You can never create a folder anywhere on your microsoft computer named CON
  12. From a distance, Earth would be the brightest of 9 planets. This is because the sunlight is reflected by the planet's water.
  13. I originally would want to put here facts about me.
  14. I have CLEARER picture than that above but i really intended to put that one. 
  15. These facts are more interesting to know than facts about me. :P 


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