
Showing posts from June, 2008

fOr mY biGgesT rOck.!

aHmmm.. mY lasT blog was sUper dedicaTed fOr mY mOm sinCe iTs hEr birtHday.. and tOday i'M gOnna write anOther one.. and tHis tiMe iTs suPer dedicated fOr mY daD.!!!! sinCe iTs father's daY.!!! *haPpY father's daY tO aLL tHe dadS oUt tHere.!!!* last bLog, i wrOte a pOem.. buT i'M nOt taLented enOugH tO write anOther oNe *hehehe.. maYbe nxT yeaR.. i'LL wriTe yOu a pOem.! aHakz* sO.. i'M gOnna share yOu a sOng..! daD.! aHmm.. tHanks fOr aLL tHe sUppOrT.. fOr aLl the lOve tHat yOu have giVen aLL these yeaRs.!!! and tHougH sOmeTimEs.. i fOrgeT tO shOw yOu how haPpY anD bLessEd i aM tO have yOu as my faTher.. i hOpe tHat in tHis bLog.. yOu sEe hOw mucH i love yOu.!! hehehe.. *sorrY iF soMetiMEs i disResPecT yOu wiTh hOw i taLk wiTh yOu buT i guEss its jusT likE thAt.! hehe.. i tend yo fOrgEt at times that yOu are mY father.. i regard yoU as one oF my friEnds.. buT i didn'T meaN iT liKe tHat.. i resPecT aNd lOve you as mucH as yOu knOw.!!! i jusT knOw that li...

fOr mY biGgesT sCaR...

 weLl tHis bLog is sUper dedicatEd tO my mOm.! sinCe iTs hEr birtHday tOday.. *happY birThday ma.!* aHmm warning.. tHis bLog is dRamatic..i meaN reaLly reaLLy dramatic.! hehe tHis pasT few days my mOm anD i haD sOme trOubLe... aNd i wanT tO say sOrrY agaiN.. i Never had thE cHance tO say sOrrY tO her sO i wanT tO say sOrry tO her nOw.. sOrrY.. iTs aLL havE beEn saiD aNd dOne.. i caN never briNg bacK tHe tiMe and re dO aLl tHe tHinGs tHat had hapPened.. ma.. yOu'LL aLways bE my mOther wHatever hapPens.. i migHt geT mad tO yOu again bUt tHe facT remains tHat yOu're sTiLL my mOther.. i'LL aLwaYs resPect aNd lOve yOu.! Btw.. i maDe a pOem.. *take nOte iTs my firsT pOem ever!* and iTs fOr yOu.! i lOve yOu ma.! happy 46th b-daY.!!!!  My biggEsT scaR.. My mOm.. i dont know wHat to say or write i'm nOt even sUre if tHis is righT aLl i knOw is i nEed tHis too tO exPress aLl my feELinGs abOut yOu yOu heLped me thRouGh my ups and dOwn yOu aLways make suRe i get bac...