Conclusion for 2013

Is it just me or the world is spinning faster than it should be?
Another end-of-the-year post right here folks! That was pretty quick don't you think?
and why the sweet am i rhyming? :)))) 

it's been too loooonng since i last posted anything... have been busy with school and work and all those stuff in between ;) BUT i wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to thank EVERYONE for this great year! 

2013 WAS AMAZING! i met a lot. gained a lot. learned a lot. 2013 was A BLAST! OK! so let me just start my thankyous and i feel like it will be a long one this year :)) 

FIRST! (always first) JESUS! thank you Father for everything that you have done for me this past year.. thank you for YC! thank you for Your LOVE! Thank you for ALL the blessings. for your never ending grace. Thank you for instilling to me that NOTHING can separate me from YOUR LOVE. It's never ending. Your love never fails Lord. (I have a lot more to say but I'll just go over to the next :P, I can never say enough anyway) next! FAMILLLLYYYY! Mama and Daddy, For being the best parents ever :) Thank you for providing for us and for always putting us before yourselves. I LOVE YOU! We love you. May our dear Lord grant us more years together :) ATE! This year the Lord had given you one of your heart's desire, like the previous years I pray that the Lord continue to grant your heart's desires (babyyyyy hehe) Kuya Jhe, thank you! for being a brother in law that i know i can always count on, may you never change or if you do may you be better :) Kuya Michael.. EVEN THOUGH you are the most (sigh) brother, i still love you and wish you well for the coming year. may this new year bring you enlightenment and JOY. May you be able to discern and act out God's purpose in/for your life :) Ate April, this year has been a long haul for you but CONGRATULATIONS you made it! Thank you for staying and for not giving up. I also pray that you find Joy and Love in this coming year. KEEP THE FAITH! BABY Marcus bacuscus I hope to see you soon baby! I know we are all excited to hear your stories and all but no rush baby... STOP GROWING TOO FAST! :)) MICO TAN the original BABY BOY! Thank you for keeping me sane and grounded. Thank you for always being there EVEN AFTER telling you to go away :)))) I am always so proud of you and always remember that NO MATTER WHAT, thick or thin, Ate Yeye loves you ;) MOMMY!!! mommy!!! MOMMY!!! I just miss you so much!!! I think of you everyday and thank the Lord for giving me the opportunity to be with you for those past years :) May you always be a blessing to everyone mommy! I LOVE YOU! LOLO!! I miss you too!!!! Thank you for making our cuscus laugh.. don't forget to tell him the stories that we grew up with and I am sure he will grow up just fine :) Relatives. Tito Benjie, Tita Bam, Ate Thea, Ate Salina, Kuya Jay THANK YOU!!! not just for the gifts :P but for the company :) Russel, Sjean, Ponchai and Joy for those random chats and pa-likes :)) haha and to everyone not mentioned but part of the Abuda/Tan clan, I MISS YOU ALL!! :) To my ever pretty cousin Ate Elaine and Sopingping! Hoping to see you again soon! with the new baby of course! To Ate Sharon for helping mommy operate skype lol :))) and to everyone else not mentioned in the ALFONSO clan, I MISS YOU!!! We may not be in 2014 reunion but we're certainly hoping to be in the next one or the one after i think.. *fingers crossed* BESTFRIENDS :) Nikko and Smootchie :) ALWAYS ALWAYS present :) Smootchieeee i will never grow tired of thanking you for your presence even if you are million miles away from me :) PANGET! thank you for everything :) for those random chat and i truly and really miss you already. :) Timothy for not hanging the phone and for giving me that last push that i needed. i dont know if you'll be able to read this but... I am kinda indebted to you for giving me that confidence booster that i needed. not that you care but.. I have never been happier with someone than I am with him. :) Kuya Patrick! Thank you for all the work you have put out for me this year... sorry we didn't work out. it wasn't you it's me i just need to find myself. echos. but seriously though.. Thank you! and I miss you! I didn't forget you yet I swear! EKEKZ! Mikki, Hashing, Mommy Pao, Abby, Therese and Xexe, you guys still have a special place in my heart! I know we are busy and dont have much luxury of time to even chat but those likes in IG and FB makes me smile and makes me feel remembered hahaha drama much anyway... to those of you who promised me you are coming here... come here quick! our place is warm though edmonton is freezing :))) ROYAL FAMILY!!! DANE, KIM, JANELLE, CHUERRY! I have a confession.. I forgot everybody's title... huhuhu I remember chueerry being queen and Dane being empress but i can't seem to make out Kim's and Janelle's NEVERTHELESS it didn't affect the way I LOVE YOU GIRLS! You'll always be my favorite girls! :) Thank you for including me still and keeping me in your memory :) I wish you all well in Med School! I will always be proud that I have beautiful friends who are doctors at the same time :) DIDI!!! THANK YOU so much for the friendship! I miss you!! btw. i thought it wasnt possible but i noticed you're getting prettier ;) see you!!! BMT CONGRATULATIONS!!! you made me so proud and envious at the same time!! I am happy for everyone and I miss you all :) CHURCHMATES!!! to IRM Malanday, Pastor Ariate, who never forgets... Thank you and congratulations for a job well done! May the Lord continually provide for you and may He continually let you grow. :) I know that you are still with us in prayers and for that I thank you guys so much! You'll always be our home church no matter what! to the church in Doha, Bin-Omran cell, THANK YOU for being a family to us specially to my ate.. thank you for keeping her company and always letting her know that she is not alone. May you continue to find God's favor and blessings :) to Light of life Christian Ministries, Pastor Ed, here in edmonton.. THANK YOU!! for a wonderful year. Thank you for giving me and us a new home and a new spiritual family. To my new found friends at church, Richmond, Jed, Krystelle, Tyler, Nikko, John, Jopheth, Matt, Nikka, Keziah, Jem, Keren THANK YOU! see you all again in 2014 :) NAIT FRIENDS!!! Ate Evelyn, Ate Ruth, Ate Kat and bebe Mhe ann :) THANK YOU!!!! for everything and anything! Let's do good in our clinicals k? May we see each other again in 2014, we will at convocation but we still need to meet  a lot ok? i am not even over my separation anxiety with you :))) Mr. Buchinsky, Thank you for being the coolest high school teacher ever! I won't ever forget you! And for all my instructors at NAIT, Johanna, Wilma, Joel, Dianne, Victoria, Jan, Judy, Nicky, Krista and Leona THANK YOU for teaching us to the best of your ability.. see you all at convocations :) Teriyaki Corner FAMILY! from the south i have, Ate Tin, Ate Veron, Ate Vaidz, Ate Jen, Kuya Rey, Tita Amy, Tita Lanie, Olivia to thank for. for always having my back and for feeding me those delicious foods be it a teriyaki chicken or congee or anything else :P West side with Ate Joy, Ate Lanie, Ate Erica, Elisha, Chloie, Auntie Lilian, Theresa, Kuya Alfie, Ate Aigh, Sumito, Kuya Allan, Jordan, Cameron for being the coolest workmates ever. I always have a good time whenever I'm there even though it is the busiest store.. That takes real skills guys! Only you have it! :) North Side with Alice and Irene, Angela, Mommy Connie, Kuya James, WENNY, Kathy, Ate Kaye and DJ, nice to meet all of you guys and i'm sorry we didn't win but we should because.. have you seen Mommy Connie's dance steps? IT WAS THE BOMB! :)) To the bosses, Thomas, Royce, Jeannie and Deista, Thank you for a good 2013 and looking forward to a better and bigger 2014 :) *drumroll* To last but certainly not least. the icing of my cake, the berry to my straw and all those corny and cheesy stuff, Mr, BEARnales,Thank you for making my 2013 extra special :) let's be together still in 2014 k pogi bear? I LOVE YOU!

:D I hope I didn't forget anybody... :S well anyway, I am grateful to everybody who contributed anything to make this year a BLAST! I am forever thankful because of the people that i meet and spend time with... I have always believed that THEY or YOU are the reason I am the way I am... :) 

2013 went by so quick and a lot has changed from the previous year.. I have lost a dear relative (Tita Rose) and gained a new one (Baby Ava) lost a lot of friends but gained more buddies this year. 2013 was also a year of blessings to our family, from our the place that we are staying in right now, to daddy's health. 2013 is a wow year for me, it is not always happy but that's what makes it perfect :) 

AS I SAY HELLO TO 2014, i end this year's conclusion with this...

At the end of the day... it's going to be YOU calling the shots. Your STORY. Your LIFE. Your CHOICE. YOU have the power to CHANGE everything. allow yourself to be the person you dreamed of becoming. NEVER GIVE UP. soon enough you will reap the harvest of your hard work. TRUST and you will be rewarded. LOOK UP! and expect things to shake. FEEL the energy from within and RADIATE it towards others. BE GRATEFUL. BE AWESOME! no one else can do it for you :D (c)Mariel Tan


  1. as always :) thanks for still mentioning me my dear mentee :) maybe it actually is me. pero ung linya na yan pang-lovers lang yan eh hahaha. :) and i've not forgotten you...i still talk about you with rover kase you're still my longest staying mentees :) and more than that, real friends :)

    madami din ako failures but it's hard for me to make up for it due to the location constraints... i'm more personal than electronic you see haha.

    anyway, hope we can catch up really soon and i miss you too :) :) :)
    Godbless you always! :) Live Life to the Fullest of God's Plans :)


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