
Showing posts from 2014

THE lesson.

Here's a lesson that took me months to learn. BUT TODAY. I am standing up.. BEING FIRM. that THIS IS NOT WORTH IT. So here's to me. SAYING. I NEED A HAIRCUT. because yet again... What's a new leap without a haircut? kaya mo to. mariel. You're blessed. You're God's princess. You're stronger than this. You're loved. You're NOT ALONE. You're worth it. You're ENOUGH. You're beautiful. You're favored. You ARE MORE. :)

STILL keeping me guessing.

This was me, almost 2 years ago. Hopeful. Confident. Assured. In love. Hopeful. I told myself, (and everybody there), that I AM SURE it will be GREAT because God wrote it because God made it happened... what gives? what changed? So this is me.. reminding myself of me. and reminding everyone that we dont know where the story ends but everything is going to be alright because He wrote it...

How I met you.

I havent blogged in a while... havent felt the urge in a while... but finally sitting down writing everything out.. there's so much going on right now i dont even know where to begin... -it IS a special day today.. BIG DAY! lots of stuff going on.. CSMLS, HIMYM, BOMEB and hopefully at the end of this post I'll be able to get them all... FIRST CSMLS. I PASSED!!!! I seriously didnt think I would pass it the first time... I wasnt prepared enough that's what I thought... I didnt know the answer for half of the questions. I know, I have those moments of doubts for every single test but for this one... I was sure to fail... I even prepared a big speech for everyone just in case they asked me... but when I opened the letter... I PASSED. ALL Glory to God there! He has not forgotten about me yet. SECOND HIMYM. to the sitcom that I watched and loved from the very first season... It finally has come to its end.. I have been seeing a lot of hate posts.. but for me... I have love...

i wish i wrote this but i didn't. from thought catalog.

This one is for you. FOREVER AND ALWAYS. I’m Writing You A Letter You Will Never Read MAR. 25, 2014   By  SUSIE COLEMAN I stopped checking my post when I realized that each envelope I received through the door would not be from the person that I desperately wanted to hear from. You were that person. With every clunk of the mailbox, every expectant shuffle through the bills, one letter was always missing. I realized though, that I had never sent one to you. Many times, I turned over a new page of the notepad whilst my hands shook, staining ink on my hands. My hands were stained with the ghosts of words that I wanted you to read but I never knew what they were. I felt that I should write you a book but it would be plotless. Still, each day I waited. But now I know that each day when your mailbox turns up empty, you would not look for my scrawl on some tattered envelope. But there never were words to describe you. You occupied the liminal spac...

level up!

He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and He hears me when I call... From those simple truths, I find comfort and peace... My God knows me... He hears me, he listens. HE KNOWS... Jesus wants our faith to go a step higher again... He wants us to COMPLETELY surrender. I guess that's what he wanted from us in the beginning but I believe he is just making it clear now... I still believe that He will do great things for my dad... But to be honest, I am scared... because we are now at unpaved roads... with no more checkpoints, no more signs to follow, only with a light to look forward to... Our hope wasn't in the meds to begin with.. Our hope is in Christ alone.. Daddy, I know you're just right there but I am too chicken to say this to you... It pains me to see you like this, but I am not ready to give you to Jesus just yet... We still have a lot to do.. We still have to go to korea, have you marry mama in a church, dance at my wedding,...

Conclusion for 2013

Is it just me or the world is spinning faster than it should be? Another end-of-the-year post right here folks! That was pretty quick don't you think? and why the sweet am i rhyming? :))))  it's been too loooonng since i last posted anything... have been busy with school and work and all those stuff in between ;) BUT i wouldn't want to miss the opportunity to thank EVERYONE for this great year!  2013 WAS AMAZING! i met a lot. gained a lot. learned a lot. 2013 was A BLAST! OK! so let me just start my thankyous and i feel like it will be a long one this year :))  FIRST! (always first) JESUS! thank you Father for everything that you have done for me this past year.. thank you for YC! thank you for Your LOVE! Thank you for ALL the blessings. for your never ending grace. Thank you for instilling to me that NOTHING can separate me from YOUR LOVE. It's never ending. Your love never fails Lord. (I have a lot more to say but I'll just go over to the next :P...