Hey hey ;)
so yeaaaaaah. Time went by so fast I woke up this morning and it was August 1st. It only means one thing! My July Bus Pass is expired!!! oh and yeah. My birthday's coming up!
I can't believe it. I will be 20 years old in a few days time. That's a big number. WHOAH. I mean two DECADES already? oh man. that was fast. I can't even remember doing a lot to be honest. and that was 20 years already? xD Being 20 freaks me out. O.o
anyway.. since this year is a special one for me, As I say goodbye to my teenage years... (and teenage dream played instantly in my head), I would like to make a 20 year old plan that I will look back on before I turn 21!
I was too devastated last year to even bother and to make a big fuss how 19 is going to be my last teen year so I am doing it now since, hey, you are not really allowed to marry on your own without parental consent until you are 21... so technically, 20 is still considered dependent. 21 is when you are really free to do anything you want. At least that's what I know, and I will look no further because it has just been made official I AM STILL legally? DEPENDENT. NOT YET A FULL GROWN ADULT. THANK YOU. :))
so yeah here's to the PLAN! i will have to name it though... hmm.... i will add it in later. :P
FIRST! - Bible in a year 2.0 ;)
yeah.. secretly last year, since I got a teen study bible before I left, I said I will finish the bible again in one year... that was btw a total failure because i ended up just reading the features on the cool bible that i have, which is still helpful and thought me a lot still but who am I kidding. the very first time i did it though, i read through the bible all right but like i took some days off and just doubled the amount i will read the next day until the motivation became so not to read more the following day. plus. i am pretty sure i skipped numbers. because. because. because. numbers. anyway so for this year. for my last not fully adult year... i will read the bible in one year. read it. learn it. love it. yeah buddy. read it everyday. 3 chapters every day Monday to Saturday and 5 chapters on Sunday. no day off!!! learn it. not just read the words but seriously get what the bible is saying. i am sure there is something in every chapter. even in the book of numbers. love it. Do it not because i wrote it in here or because i just want to but DO IT because. I love doing it. because Jesus wants me to. ;)
SECOND! - Daily Devotion Xtreme!
not just read the passage and read what's in the daily bread but also, write it in The Journal. because I have 3 already and still haven't filled the first one yet. that's 2 years old already xD :)) and also. because devotion is where Jesus speaks to me the most it is always good to record it down to avoid doing the same mistake over and over again. ;)
THIRD - Bye Bye Visa.
NOT that i am cutting my visa but rather... really stop abusing it. I know you can still pay it off but it is not healthy anymore. STOP SHOPPING! too much. :P just a little bit from now on. :P As a future adult :P i should be starting to get serious with my savings... if before i am just saving up for a backstage VIP Pass for a jonas brothers concert... I should be seriously thinking of ways to pay off the car at least. and one step is to stop being a slave to my visa. Earn it before you spend it policy. implemented TODAY!
FOURTH - Tithes.
give your tithes faithfully. no less. the Church can use a little more. keeping in mind that how can God entrust you with more if you can't be trusted with this. or something like that.
FIFTH - Volunteer!
It doesnt have to be volunteer in a volunteer program or anything that can be used in your resume or stuff like that, it could be at home during your day off, do the laundry, clean the house for mom and stuff like that. just do more. SERVICE! for others.!
For this winter. I will strive to be healthy all winter long. taking Vitamins regularly to build my immune defense and eating healthy, sleeping healthy, being healthy. exercise? exercise! and mopping doesn't count as a workout ok. ok? (this one's gonna be tough.)
~so somewhere between these two i switched my voice from talking to another person to just talking to myself. getting personal around here. :P :))
SEVENTH - Don't fret!
This year is gonna be so different, because this year you are not just becoming seriously committed to be healthy physically and spiritually, but also emotionally. I know it feels like you are so old and you are running out of time. BUT YOU ARE NOT! you're not 20 already but you are JUST 20! there's gonna be more years to come. and if he's not there yet then ENJOY! remember I kissed dating goodbye? yeah buddy. You'll get through this. make smart choices. this time.
so i am running out of things to resolve. but wait this is not a resolution this is a plan! oh come on. this is a resolution. anyway. This year. I would want to wake up feeling excited. because I am one day closer to being 21. I am one day closer to being who I wanted to be. forever 21. chos. but seriously. I want to make way to a better me. I want to be different. I want to change so much it will only happen if I allow myself to. I have to expect it! I have to work hard for it. I have to just have the attitude. It feels like new year all over again :)
A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be. -Bruce Springsteen
CHEERS! to being the big two zero. ;)
(still got 9 days left though :P)
(lol just kidding, I'll start today)
(or tomorrow since today is already finished)
(i'll really go now)
so yeaaaaaah. Time went by so fast I woke up this morning and it was August 1st. It only means one thing! My July Bus Pass is expired!!! oh and yeah. My birthday's coming up!
I can't believe it. I will be 20 years old in a few days time. That's a big number. WHOAH. I mean two DECADES already? oh man. that was fast. I can't even remember doing a lot to be honest. and that was 20 years already? xD Being 20 freaks me out. O.o
anyway.. since this year is a special one for me, As I say goodbye to my teenage years... (and teenage dream played instantly in my head), I would like to make a 20 year old plan that I will look back on before I turn 21!
I was too devastated last year to even bother and to make a big fuss how 19 is going to be my last teen year so I am doing it now since, hey, you are not really allowed to marry on your own without parental consent until you are 21... so technically, 20 is still considered dependent. 21 is when you are really free to do anything you want. At least that's what I know, and I will look no further because it has just been made official I AM STILL legally? DEPENDENT. NOT YET A FULL GROWN ADULT. THANK YOU. :))
so yeah here's to the PLAN! i will have to name it though... hmm.... i will add it in later. :P
FIRST! - Bible in a year 2.0 ;)
yeah.. secretly last year, since I got a teen study bible before I left, I said I will finish the bible again in one year... that was btw a total failure because i ended up just reading the features on the cool bible that i have, which is still helpful and thought me a lot still but who am I kidding. the very first time i did it though, i read through the bible all right but like i took some days off and just doubled the amount i will read the next day until the motivation became so not to read more the following day. plus. i am pretty sure i skipped numbers. because. because. because. numbers. anyway so for this year. for my last not fully adult year... i will read the bible in one year. read it. learn it. love it. yeah buddy. read it everyday. 3 chapters every day Monday to Saturday and 5 chapters on Sunday. no day off!!! learn it. not just read the words but seriously get what the bible is saying. i am sure there is something in every chapter. even in the book of numbers. love it. Do it not because i wrote it in here or because i just want to but DO IT because. I love doing it. because Jesus wants me to. ;)
SECOND! - Daily Devotion Xtreme!
not just read the passage and read what's in the daily bread but also, write it in The Journal. because I have 3 already and still haven't filled the first one yet. that's 2 years old already xD :)) and also. because devotion is where Jesus speaks to me the most it is always good to record it down to avoid doing the same mistake over and over again. ;)
THIRD - Bye Bye Visa.
NOT that i am cutting my visa but rather... really stop abusing it. I know you can still pay it off but it is not healthy anymore. STOP SHOPPING! too much. :P just a little bit from now on. :P As a future adult :P i should be starting to get serious with my savings... if before i am just saving up for a backstage VIP Pass for a jonas brothers concert... I should be seriously thinking of ways to pay off the car at least. and one step is to stop being a slave to my visa. Earn it before you spend it policy. implemented TODAY!
FOURTH - Tithes.
give your tithes faithfully. no less. the Church can use a little more. keeping in mind that how can God entrust you with more if you can't be trusted with this. or something like that.
FIFTH - Volunteer!
It doesnt have to be volunteer in a volunteer program or anything that can be used in your resume or stuff like that, it could be at home during your day off, do the laundry, clean the house for mom and stuff like that. just do more. SERVICE! for others.!
For this winter. I will strive to be healthy all winter long. taking Vitamins regularly to build my immune defense and eating healthy, sleeping healthy, being healthy. exercise? exercise! and mopping doesn't count as a workout ok. ok? (this one's gonna be tough.)
~so somewhere between these two i switched my voice from talking to another person to just talking to myself. getting personal around here. :P :))
SEVENTH - Don't fret!
This year is gonna be so different, because this year you are not just becoming seriously committed to be healthy physically and spiritually, but also emotionally. I know it feels like you are so old and you are running out of time. BUT YOU ARE NOT! you're not 20 already but you are JUST 20! there's gonna be more years to come. and if he's not there yet then ENJOY! remember I kissed dating goodbye? yeah buddy. You'll get through this. make smart choices. this time.
so i am running out of things to resolve. but wait this is not a resolution this is a plan! oh come on. this is a resolution. anyway. This year. I would want to wake up feeling excited. because I am one day closer to being 21. I am one day closer to being who I wanted to be. forever 21. chos. but seriously. I want to make way to a better me. I want to be different. I want to change so much it will only happen if I allow myself to. I have to expect it! I have to work hard for it. I have to just have the attitude. It feels like new year all over again :)
A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be. -Bruce Springsteen
CHEERS! to being the big two zero. ;)
(still got 9 days left though :P)
(lol just kidding, I'll start today)
(or tomorrow since today is already finished)
(i'll really go now)
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