YC 2013



so i promised myself i would never go on facebook up until i am able to type down my experience. I am able to do it for 2 days now what is another hour or so.

Before anything else, i just know that YC is gonna blow me away. I mean it is a YOUTH CONFERENCE for ALBERTA! not just edmonton but alberta! i know it is going to be HUGE! but i didnt expect it to be 11,000 people huge!  so yeah before the event.... i got a haircut! how is this relevant to the whole yc thing? because. what is a defining moment without a haircut right?

and i knew that the theme for this year is "THIS IS LOVE" which is perfect for me.. because i somehow lost my definition of love... I have been disconnected to the real source of love and i just couldnt find my way back. I have always believed that whatever I do would mean NOTHING if i dont have love. Love is a powerful thing. and a few days back, i dont know what happened to me and i did a terrible thing that i am not proud of and messed with love. I wasnt thinking at all when i did it. I know it was a bad idea but i did it anyway. It was a self-sabotage plan. but then... when God said ALL THINGS work together for good. HE MEANT ALL THINGS. no exceptions.

"The level of your expectation determines the level by which you will be filled"

That is what i have in mind when i came to the conference. I was there. I am ready. I KNOW FOR SURE that i will go out and I would be amazed. But with all honesty, the first night, I was struggling. I felt like it was there right in front of me, the thing that i want to take, but there is a gap preventing me from taking it... The first session with Francis Chan was just amazing! He reminded me of how great and awesome God is. He reminded me that the God that I am praising and talking to is the great God that Isaiah saw.. (Isaiah 6:1) He should not be taken casually. He is the great God who can kill you with his mere presence, yet He loves me, He sent his son to die for me. So in return I have decided to really surrender my life once again. and live it up for him. After Francis Chan talked I have decided to let Jesus have everything. So I ended the thing I did a few days ago. I know there will be consequences and it was a price I was willing to pay. I also committed to a no facebook policy until he event is completely finished and typed out in here. because facebook has been my go-to since forever. AND I WANT THAT TO CHANGE. I WANT TO CHANGE.

2nd day started ok. I AM SO EXCITED for everything. I dont have any idea on what's coming but I KNOW it will be great. It's going to be exactly what i need to get back. the second session is with Matthew Barnett. He taught me that I should NEVER underestimate the vision that I get in a big event like this one.... Because let's face it. I know right now I am all fired up but after a few days, weeks, months, it is not going to be this... some call it being caught up in the moment... But God doesn't work that way.. When He gives you a dream... HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN. you just have to acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight. :)

For the workshops.. the first one i did was Boundless with Danielle Strickland. She also advocates for having cadbury certify caramilk that there was no slaves involved in making it. because we like our caramilk better if it doesnt have blood on it. anyway, boundless was about your power that God gives you... BOUNDLESS. what i learned from this is... you know you got it when you know it is for you and not for someone else. because you are just like everybody else. "your a monster too" yet God gives you the power to be different. then and only then will you able to experience life boundless. Then after, I went to the Amanda Cook worship service. It was great. Another artist added to my playlist! The last workshop I did for day 2 was... Tim Hughes and Ben Cantelon's. actually it was there that i knew that Tim Hughes was the one who wrote.. HERE I AM TO WORSHIP. i know. embarassing. but yeah. the workshop with them was all about how to write songs and what-nots. it was actually pretty good. I hope i put it to use one day. :)

Then General Session 3 was just. AWESOME. it was Reggie Dabbs. who is absolutely funny and great at the same time... He enabled me to seriously and completely FREE myself again. I thought the sin that i did a few days ago was all there was that was stopping me.. I didnt know that the thing that was preventing me from receiving everything that God is giving me is... the thing that happened months ago or so. the bestfriend thing. but during that night, I know God already dealt with it and just completely got rid of it. all my resentments and pain. everything. even my unfulfilled dream. God told me that He has more! I GOT THE KEY! Love is greater than anger.

Day 3 which is today... with Gen sesh 4 it was Bob Goff... who was as funny as Reggie, btw. He told me to BE NOT AFRAID. and that love erases all fear. I was just blessed with this guy. He is a lawyer and a comedian in heart. He is also compassionate and believes in the "do" part of life :)

and for the workshop i went back to Tim Hughes to learn more about Praise and Worship and stuff like that.. again.. someday I hope I'll be able to put them to use. ;)

for the last session.. it is again with reggie dabbs.. as usual.. it was mind-blowing. I GOT THE KEY! and since i got the key i can unlock everything. even the people around me... and even if God tells me to die so that others could see the miracle... I WOULD SAY YES! because that's what God's telling me to do...

so yeah. a lot has happened with the event. i know i didnt make justice on what i wrote... I have a bad memory. xD I think i'll remember more soon.

BUT OVERALL it was an awesome event. I WILL BE BACK NEXT YEAR! :) hope they still let me though :P hahaha


  1. what is a defining moment without a haircut right? --THIS! haha.

    and a few days back, i dont know what happened to me and i did a terrible thing that i am not proud of and messed with love. I wasnt thinking at all when i did it. --? care to share ?

    "The level of your expectation determines the level by which you will be filled" --also, how empty your heart is for God is also how much He'll fill it :)

    (Isaiah 6:1) He should not be taken casually. He is the great God who can kill you with his mere presence, yet He loves me, He sent his son to die for me. So in return I have decided to really surrender my life once again. and live it up for him.
    --amazing things happen when you find your identity in Christ. and when you're confident in it :) that's been my struggle too for a long time. we are only able to perform great things, including love, only if we are confident of Christ's identity in us. when we're 100% sold out to the idea that God LOVES US and He wants salvation for all.

    AND I WANT THAT TO CHANGE. I WANT TO CHANGE. --so do I :) proud of you dear

    But God doesn't work that way.. When He gives you a dream... HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN. you just have to acknowledge him and He will make your paths straight. :) --just like when He revealed His visions to Joseph and how Joseph responded caused him great prosperity

    anyway, boundless was about your power that God gives you... BOUNDLESS. what i learned from this is... you know you got it when you know it is for you and not for someone else. because you are just like everybody else. "your a monster too" yet God gives you the power to be different. then and only then will you able to experience life boundless.
    --for God is omni-potent. if we believe in a God that holds nothing back, even His own Son, for us, then what is there to limit His powers?

    I hope i put it to use one day. :) --i can help you with this haha.

    He enabled me to seriously and completely FREE myself again. --GREAT! :)

    all my resentments and pain. everything. even my unfulfilled dream. God told me that He has more! I GOT THE KEY! Love is greater than anger. --SPOT ON! God is greater than ANY emotion in fact. Remember, LOVE covers a MULTITUDE of sins.

    so yeah. a lot has happened with the event. i know i didnt make justice on what i wrote... I have a bad memory. xD I think i'll remember more soon.
    --i am so happy that God is really working wherever you go mariel :) you are blessed to be surrounded by a family and a great amount of people who continue to sharpen you and make you better towards what God wants you to be. continue to stay and be confident in your identity with God and you'll even greater wonders in which He will use you as a blessing to others! God bless and love you in Christ mariel!


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