that time of the year again...

I can't live in a world where you and I are not together.

and when i say together not together together but together.

Happy birthday.

Sorry but I am the kind of person whose words are not light. I say things I mean and mean the things that I say... When I said those words 2? years ago I meant those. I told you a lot of times and I will tell it to you today again... You were, are my definition of forever... i told you.. many years from now we'll still be like that. you can ignore me all you want but. you are my bestest friend. you will be one of the person that will come to mind every time i have an accomplishment, trials, heartaches, awesome thoughts and whatnots. i will be wishing in my heart that you will hear me...

My words didnt change. my promises still stands.. yours may have faded and may be not applicable anymore but mine still is.. I will always be here so that you know where to find me ;)


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