PLAY: Part of Me - Katy Perry
~i initially recorded me singing it just to make sure if singing with a stuffed nose would really sound bad. and it did. so just read and sing this with me :))

Days like this I want to drive away|Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade|You chewed me up and spit me out|Like I was poison in your mouth|You took my light, you drained me down|But that was then and this is now|Now look at me||This is the part of me|That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no|This is the part of me|That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no|Throw your sticks and your stones, throw your bombs and your blows|But you’re not gonna break my soul|This is the part of me|That you’re never gonna ever take away from me, no||I just wanna throw my phone away|Find out who is really there for me|You ripped me off, your love was cheap|
Was always tearing at the seams|I fell deep, you let me down|But that was then and this is now|Now look at me||Now look at me I’m sparkling|A firework, a dancing flame|You won't ever put me out again|I’m glowin’, oh whoa|
So you can keep the diamond ring|
It don't mean nothing anyway|
In fact you can keep everything yeah, yeah|Except for me


Today was exceptional. I think I'm ready. to do this again. I think I have found the words I lost... I think I have found myself. again. for the nth time. i am not really sure if i have found it... but i think i know now what's missing. and that's a good thing... a start :)

So today... I have gotten my hands on a recommendation from my last sem teacher for this program that I have been praying for... This is a REALLY MAJORLY BIG deal for me. it's not for med school or anything like that... but it's a start.. :) This thing makes myself feel like i have a purpose in life... still. after everything that has happened... I am finally going after something again. :) and that's good. :) I know I have mentioned Mr. B on my last posts.. He is my Bio 30 teacher and being an "almost medtech" I should have known everything there is on Bio 30 since it's a highschool subject... but honestly... Mr. B taught everything differently... he made me understand it and not just memorize it... he has this something everyday that makes you feel good about yourself... something that will make you know that it's not yet too late. and that it's ok if you're here or there.. like all the good things in life, it is very hard to explain what he can do and what he does and how he does it. It is not even because of what he wrote but it is because of what he did... that i am now back! that i can type my words freely again. :D so this is what he said that brought me back.. 
so here, *HUG* I miss you too, Let me know, how it goes ok?
and of course all the things that he wrote in the recommendation.. but i dont know.... The fact that he acknowledges me and he hugged me and he somehow believes in me and he hopes with me that I will get this.. is just amazing. 

what Mr. B. gave me today was a PUSH. MOTIVATION. inspiration. PURPOSE. something that i had lost when i moved here.... he made me redefine myself.... or he made me remember who i was... and as i said like all the good things in life.. it's hard to explain what exactly did he do or what he did or how he did it... all i know for sure is... it was amazing. :D


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