Conclusion for 2012

not with a fizzle but with a bang. ALWAYS with a bang. ;)

2012 came really fassssst. i can't believe i have to write my end of the year conclusions yet again.
i think this would be my third. hmm. and to be really honest. i dont even want to write this one. i want to skip this year because 2012 has been. sucky. most of the time. but it would be  a waste now, would it? besides. who cares. i have 2013 in my hands now. and i can feel it in my bones. that 2013 would be the best year ever. ;)

without further ado. LEGGO!


FIRST. to my Lord Jesus Christ. I know i have disappointed you this year on so many things yet you never change. Lord Thank you for everything. from my heart. I know you know how grateful I am. I usually just keep my relationship with you from anyone else just because i am scared they will judge it. but for this moment and for this year... let me just express how grateful i am of you and your love and grace and mercy for me and my family. Thank you Lord! No one would ever love me like you do. THANK YOU! to my family, Mama and Daddy. Thank you for your never ending support. sorry for the times i acted like a brat and all. it wouldn't be yeye if it wasn't anway so. :P haha I LOVE YOU TO BITS MAMA AND DADDY. We'll get through all of this together SOON. I swear :) ATEEEEE. thank you! :) have i seen you this year? oh nooo. i dont think i have. but dont worry i'll see you soon. i can feel it. you're still the sweetest and perfect ate for me. even if i have a fair enough of ate here... nobody is as good as you. ;) KUYA JHE. i'll write yours next year ok? HAHAHA just kidding. WELCOME TO THE FAMILY like officially. :)) you've been with my sister for 10 years that it wasn't at all a surprise anymore. :)) KUYA! Thank you for being the kuya that i need. annoying yet tolerable :)) Ate April! thank you for bringing us a bundle of Joy. Mico. Thank you for being the younger brother that i just cant resist loving. for all the fun moments and for putting up with me specially now that you dont have much choice. ANNNND CUSCUS! thank you baby ;) You are doing so much more than smiling, pooping and eating. believe me. you are making us all happy. FAMILY! let's all hope for a better 2013 and may we all be together this year! AJA! MOMMY! i miss you so much. Thank you for taking care of me for the past years. thank you for teaching me those lessons that i will forever try to keep doing. Lolo. thank you for all your efforts and love. I miss your food lolo. i'd take it even if i have to eat it for the whole month :)) Tito Randy and Tita Liz. Thank you! for everything. ;) i miss you! see you soon! Tito Benjie and Tita Bambie for letting us stay in your humble abode. and for all the help. Thank you :) Kuya Jay, Ate Thea and Ate Salina thank you for making us feel welcome and not alone in this idkwhattocallit place. :)) AND FOR THE REST of the ABUDA, and ALFONSO CLAN. THANK YOU! i wouldn't be who i am without you. take one of you out and i know for sure YEYE wouldn't exactly who she is today. :) Bestfriends!*so help me God* :)))) SMOOTCHIIEEEE :) I LOVE YOU! I lili lili lili do :) i miss you so much. can't you just send me yourself in a box? :)) you are the best! PANGET NIKKO PANGET! Thank you. for still texting once in a while. :) can you ride your bike once more and GET OVER HERE ALREADY?! xD and Timothy John. thank you for everything. aww i just cried again. that's why i have been avoiding writing this. cause i know i have to write you. i mean how could i not. I miss you. so much. it hurts like hell not being friends with you anymore. i know it's too late for this but. i want you in my life still. i hope 2013 would be better. tjacob. gahd. NEXT :)) KUYA PATRICK. :)) i've always wanted to call you that. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING. for keeping me sane. for reading all my work. for giving me attention and time. :) EKEKZ! :)) HASHING Mommy PAO Therese Abby Mikki and Xexe and Smootchie of course. forever FAMILY :) highschool barkada stays for life. mega again next time k? and we'll be richer and prettier i will definitely ask for that guy in watsons. :)) AND AND AND. for everyone graduating this year CONGRATULATIONS! :) we are soo old! :)) ROYAL FAMILY!!! denden chuerry janelli and kim! THANK YOU GIRLS for all the experiences and love that you have managed to give me. AND YOU ARE ALMOST THERE! and i swear i'll do everything to not lose focus. i'll do it for you guys! :) and i will see all of you in med school promise? :) I LOVE YOU! :) BMT :) DIDI VYKA MEL MAEMAE and everyone else I MISS ALL OF YOU!!!! CHURCHMATES. mfbc. for teaching me a lot of things. i wish i can unlearn some of them though. may God bless you all and may our Dear Lord be lifted up in EVERYTHING that you do. KUYA MARK, KUYA KAREL, KUYA ADU, AJ and ATE AVIS, ATE ANGEL, ATE JEZ, JOYCE, ZY, CELLMATES and JANIIINNNEEEEE. i miss you. i'm sorry. IRM  malanday for still being with us through everything. home church for life. :) ATE YAYEE, ANGELA, ANNA, KUYA CLYDE, KUYA MARK, KUYA RYAN. LOL, Light of Life, :)))) thank you for welcoming our family into your family :) looking forward to spending more time with you.. :) PAOLO. :) Thank you. for everything. as we move into another year may we be able to mature and grow individually as persons of faith. chos. :)) thank you! 2012 won't be complete without you. iloveyou ;) FRIENDSSSSSSSS. aaron calinisan. :") thank you. for not letting me feel alone and completely lost during those times. you may not know and that's completely normal but you are definitely a part of my life. it's not everyday i randomly add a stranger who turns out to be a good person. :) BANO! Darren Mendez thank you bano for being my #2 fan :) it's a shame i didn't get to meet you in person but still it doesn't change the fact that you are one of my true friends :) :") KUYA MICOOOO. how can i forget. thank you. :) for that thoughtful message and for those yummy cookies. bake me some when i get back ok? you said you'll wait for me. i'll be counting on that. :) Centre High friends. For making my school experience AWESOME. :) and perfect. let's all do well on our diplomas k? :) TERIYAKI CORNER FAMILYYYYYY. :) thank you for making my first job ever to be really enjoyable and fun! and thank you for giving me a home away from home :) thank you for being so nice that going to work isnt like going to work anymore. :) southside summerside location :) Ate tin, mommy connie Olivia, ate veron angela and Wenny. west side hamptons location, Ate Joy, ate erica, ate lanie, Mr. Kwong!! vivian? Lilian! Cameron, Jordan, Elisha, kuya Alfie, Kenny, Cristine and Theresa! THANK YOU also to Thomas, Royce, Jeannie and Diesta :) THANK YOU FOR EVERYONE. truly grateful. experience is experience. and no matter what. they make you who you are. thank you for being a part of my life. my 2012. a year i could never have back.

2012 has been. low. frustrating and sad. it had made me feel broken and alone most of the time but after doing this. i realized that 2012 is quite amazing actually. 2012 has been doomed for bringing earth its end and i think in a way it had really ended some of my worlds. there are things that i regret but then. it wouldn't make me who i am now if i didn't made those choices soo.. STILL GRATEFUL.

if i have to end 2012 with something.. it would be... this.

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when their right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." 
Marilyn Monroe

one more time


  1. wow. haha. (actually i've read this earlier i forgot to comment LOL) i didn't know you wanted to call me patrick but if you really want to, then go ahead :) thanks too mariel (you already know this) for everything :) i love this blogpost btw :) Godbless you!


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