part of me~

This is the part of me that you'll never ever gonna take away from me.


hmm.. what to write about... i've been gone for so long.. and the last posts were just miserable. i hope i  will never have to do that again in my life! xD


well... things have been going well... except for so many things but that's just details.
healing. :)

and for a super weird note... 'somebody that i used to know' is playing.

why does everything in my life seem to be all about you, huh?


and i am soooo excited :)

forgive me i havent blogged in so long that i forgot how i do it so for now i am just going to type whatever. so sorry, kuya patch and future yeye, you will need to have to endure this :))

i know how important writing stuffs like this because just this week i went through my youtube account and looked over my 'favorite' videos and it felt so good to be watching them all again :) with the philosophy from lion king about a long journey starting with a single step. :))))

am i high or something? :)))))

anyway. i learned something from english today! broken trust. is failed expectations. when you have expectations that are not met that's where trust gets broken. would you look at that i'm actually learning something from english! :) and since halloween is around the corner there is this halloween stuff at english today which i swear is so scary and when you press it, it goes 'give me give me more give me more give more' the song's funny but the stuff is not and i swear it's staring at me. i had to put up my monitor to cover the stuff up. :P and i'm actually enjoying going to school here. people here can be really crappy sometimes but some are just so niccceeeee.... :) it makes me feel warm :) just like how my bio teacher is so nice. like i swear i have the best teacher in the world :) I'm talking to you Mr. Buchinsky :) hope i spelled it right. :)) and today mr wiebe is not in and there's this sub. i kinda feel bad for her but god she's a bit weird. she locked the door because the 'time is not yet up' like who does that!? seriously. anyway.

today. i did it! i dont know how and why but i just did it! i knew i just need some time and the time was a while ago and i did it. :) and now everytime i remember him.. it's not the jar of hearts playing anymore its that line form that movie... hmm... i forgot the movie but the line is... i hate the way i dont hate you. not even close not even a bit not even at all. but still... never again :)

hmm what else.. oh and about him. i kinda am stumped on something. :( i dont like where this is going. that's why i need to talk to him like so bad and real talk btw not. the talks that we have been having lately. no those are not real. and i need real. and after eating i finally found the word that is fitting. IMPATIENT. i am growing impatient. i want IT to be BEGIN. i am impatient for it to start. i feel like i am not quite there yet. i want to be there. xD this is not supposed to make sense to anyone but if it does then thats great! :))

and yes! :)) i got distracted i forgot what that yes is for. :))) hahahaha
anyway. i want to pick myself up from here.

for finally. finally FINALLY
moving forward. getting back. being happy :) truly happy :)

and it all started from you panget. i just have to give you credit for this one... you always make everything sooooo easy. and organized. you know where my boxes are and you know the stuff that is supposed to be in it.. ;)

and oh what the heck i just have to do this....

HAHAHAHA whatever it is. it's invalid! :))


  1. well i've been down and out for a long time mariel. i'm really sorry. but it doesn't mean i got tired of reading your stuff.

    don't say sorry to me btw. you didn't do anything wrong dear.

    anyways, i didn't really get much sense out of what you said haha but what i got so far was that you're kinda enjoying some new stuff especially with studies and remembering some old stuff (or people too).

    and... if i understood this right... "him" refers to the guy in cebu? :P

    why? what's real and what's not?

    miss yah mariel! Godbless!

    1. HAHAHAHAHA literally rolling on the bed laughing when i read the "guy in cebu"part :))))) HAHAHAHAHA yes yes yes. :)))))

      hmm what's reall and what's not? :))

      super miss na kita kuya patchhhhh.

    2. hahahahaha :)

      me three :P
      anyways haha. so whazzup? wanna shed light on this? PM me in FB when you've got time :)

      i pray everything's well with you and your family.
      how's tito franco?


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