
quick post. thought it is too great too just keep it for my family alone soo....

originally intended to post this in our family's secret group in facebook but as i am typing i know i am coming up to something brilliant so...

as Christians we stand by the promise of God to us... how He loves us and how we will have a great life... John 3:16. yet our problems are still here and they keep coming and its as if we are never moving past this... and i found this one...

So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
Revelations 3:16

we need to remind ourselves of another 3:16 verse....

15I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! 16So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.
it's not enough that we believe that God loves us... we should believe IT with the every fiber of our being.

if you want something it is not enough that you just want it.. you should want it with all you have!
if you believe in something.. there should be no room for plan b!
if you love what you have... hold it so tight your fists are about to break!
if you know that what you have is really what's meant for you... fight for it and stand by it!
if you are claiming God's promises... BE CONFIDENT and CONVINCED that it will happen!
if you are praying for something. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING! and be EXPECTANT!

you can't be "I have a powerful God" and be like "We are not going to make it" 
from now on.. it shouldn't be "I think i am going to..." but "I KNOW I am going to..."
it is not only a matter of believing... but STRONGLY BELIEVING. with conviction, certainty and FIRMNESS. 

my devotion yesterday told me that... it's ok to doubt. only if it's pulling you strongly to seeking the truth... but if it's the other way around THEN.... X the doubt! there should be no space for it in your life!


stay positive! <3


  1. never give up because eventhough we seem hopeless, Jesus never gives up on us...
    never doubt because eventhough we lacked faith, Jesus strengthened it...
    never have second-thoughts because Jesus didn't when He died on the cross for us all...

    God has already provided us EVERYTHING. all we need to do is ASK, BELIEVE and RECEIVE. :)

    God is here for you and your family. No time to doubt for He has always proven time and again that His love never fails.

    Oh and i'm here for you too :)


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