
it's 4:00 AM. i have to wake up in approximately 4 hours. yet here i am typing.

well you know that quote that says...
“Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
 i am kind of having that situation right now. It's no big deal if you look at it in some angle but it is one if taken at another. so let me just say this once and for all.

Honestly, i don't really care for that person. i don't care who he likes or who he goes out with. as long as, i see my picture still there i am contented. but not only did he removed it but he also deleted me. now that is another story. is he someone? but i am sure he is not. i always listed him under the guys who won't get serious even after marriage. but for that girl he gave up everything? i feel really insecure. but then again. i'm fine. knowing that the reason he or should i say she deleted me is because i was a threat. so thank you. for making me feel pretty haha and btw. she is really pretty as well. i guess pretty really is you're type after all :) and yes. you have every quality that i like in a guy. except you're not going to be a dentist, engineer, or a doctor. but yes other than that you have it all. and if only you had the right timing, i could have beat all the odds just to be with you. i have always hoped that maybe as the years go by we'll have more potential but it's clear that it will never happen now. nevertheless, you will still be my summer romance :) so despite of the fact that you brought nothing good in my life thank you :)

update. nov. 13, 2011 9:51 pm. IT'S SAFE TO SAY... WIN! :)) good thing, i came prepared. oh boy did i see him look at me just enough times to actually assume he's regretting it :)) PLUS PLUS PLUS. i got the sweetest revenge i could ever get. she may have him. but i took hold of something she didn't and can't take out of him. :)


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