just a thought: you are unique NOT because of  WHO YOU ARE, but instead because of THE PEOPLE AROUND YOU..
I have managed to clearly state my point about how self-centered our generation is. I admit I am not completely selfless but I am trying to be sensitive… Everybody struggles on how they will have their OWN self or identity for that matter. BUT I believe that we can’t completely make our own without getting something from someone… I mean we are not designed to be like that… we can NEVER create something OUT OF NOTHING. only GOD can do that… whenever we create our so-called IMAGE, whatever we do… it will ALWAYS be influenced by others…. BUT REMEMBER… God made us UNIQUE! everyone of us is unique. now my theory is this… that it is not our personal self that makes us unique but the people around us. come to think of it… WOULD THERE BE ANYONE IN THIS WORLD with the same SET of friends as you have? OR would there be anyone in this world with the same set of friends AND FAMILY as you have right now? I GUESS NOT.
so for the next time you’ll think of how unique you can be.. forget about yourself because that’s not how you became one…

PEACE, LOVE and TWINKLES, ---- this one I got from chelsea kane


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