
i got it from my devotional book :>

Some people are "gifted" lovers. They know how to make folks around them feel love, especially the love of Christ. The principles are the same in families as well as in churches or anyplace people meet.

LOVERS smile a lot. Something caring and contagious flows through them. It's inviting, warm, gentle and kind.

LOVERS treat you as someone really special. Warmth and welcome quickly turn into  genuine friendship. They like you as a wonderful person and do not hesitate to say so.

LOVERS' faces light up every time they see you. Their hugs, handshakes, and personal words make you feel totally accepted. Quickly they invite you into their conversation, group or home. Instinctively you know that you have a place in their hearts.

LOVERS make knowing Jesus and living in Him so attractive. If coming close to Him is something like coming close to them, it has to be wonderful.

LOVERS know God. You sense that they tap in the true source of love often and regularly. The overflow of their lives show that the fruit of the Spirit is love.

LOVERS are generous with compliments from the heart, quick to see your strengths, and tender with your weaknesses.

LOVERS have flaws. Sometimes their weaknesses hurt us more than those of others from whom we expected so little.

LOVERS sometimes become victims of our rising expectations. We, and so many others, want to treat them like close friends. No one can keep up with the demands of true friendship for so many people. We can easily expect lovers to do more for us than is reasonable.

LOVERS need to be loved, too. Weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, even funerals, say something significant.

LOVERS have many who will rise up and call them blessed. And rightly so. They have blessed so many for so long that it only seems right to give them a little gratitude and appreciation in return.

LOVERS do incredible good to all within their sphere of influence. It's little wonder then that the most often repeated commandment in the New Testament is "love one another"

LOVERS are made not born. To become a lover is a matter of decision, attitude, and commitment to become and be a lover for the rest of life.



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