BLOG!!!!! for the first day of february..

BTW i missed PE today.. coz i'M uber tired.. that i needed rest BADLY.. so there.. so GAME!

i'Ve been receiving much loVe lately.. eii not love-love but LOVE :) *i hope you get it* Everybody wants to be loved.. i mean who doesn't? i personally believe that the greatest gift that God gave us is to be able to love.. and be loved in return.. And now i can almost agree that i am at the peak of that! i am receiving much love from my family and friends that i feel like there's nothing more that can add up to that! I should be super happy now right? but NOT! coz' here's the thing... i've been receiving much love that i'm scared i can't respond to all of them.. i have so much on my plate right now.. that i am afraid i am not going to finish everything... i have so much love that i don't know what to do with them...

you know what.. after deep thinking.. i'Ve realized something... THE GREAT THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE :) the reason that i'm scared with all the love that i am receiving is that.. how will i be able to pay them back? how will i be able to return them the love that they are giving me... and the answer... is like NEVER! i will never be able to return them everything XD i would be able to return something at least.. but never everything.. and besides! the best things in life are FREE! if it wasn't anyway.. i can never afford it... *get it?*

My family's love for me is overwhelming at the moment.. they have been supporting all of my endeavors and decisions.. which i am truly thankful for.. i want to pay back their love for me in every possible way.. but they are not asking for that.. all they want is for me to be  good girl... The only way i can pay them back is to be a good girl.... WOW... i know that's LOVE :)

what's with the title HAHAHA it's this...

maybe that's the reason why i'Ve always wanted to be a star.. besides from the always line that i am saying... "i'm a star.. noT always seen but actually always there" and.. i'm a star maybe because.. i cant handle being the sun.. i canT haVe soMeone's world revolving around me! i get too... i doN't know... scaRed? of how i am going to pay that up? idk... HAHAHA


.it'snottimetomakeachangejustrelaxtakeiteasyi'mstillyoungitsmyfaulttheressomuchineedtoknow. :P


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