
YAY!!! this yeaR flew by sO fast! almosT didn'T felT it.. excepT of course for all the dramas and blessings i had :) and yeaaaahhhhhh it's as if i just wrote my last year's year-ender blog and now here i am with another year-ender blog! hahaha ok.. GAME!

for this year... i wanna end it by writing everything that had happened to me this year! :) hoping i wouldn'T miss one! :) well at least the major events!

JANUARY *and yeah this is how it's going down* ------

birthday ni kua!!! though nothing happened :)) haha i canT remember anything on my january... ooooohhhhh but yeah we're still together!!! haha LOL we are still super happy last january.. i think :)) and yeaHhhh PSD got us a new room!! waaaahhh i miss beryl XD and yeaH i think this was the time i got into the top 10 again :)) LOL AND how can i forget! NEW YEAR'S EVE *day* we, with family, had this meeting thing and we all ended up crying :)) HAHAHA mico started crying and everyone else followed :)) wahahaha and yeaHhh my dad said he was proud of me :) like.... i know! :)) WAHAHAH


hmm valentines day XD DATELESS :)) LOL but i received flowers!!!! :)) HAHAHA still not saying from whom it was! and LOL i had my happiest laughs and up to now i still remember it very clearly :)) STILL MAKES ME LAUGH!!! hahahaha i can re-live that moment a hundred times and it would still make me this happy.. :) hmmm and yeaaaahhhh.. spending quality time with highschool.... :) AND daddy's last chemo session :)


graduation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goodbye highschool XD  before graduation of course, recollection :) HAD THE BEST TIME :) i miss them so much now XD and yeaaahhhh i said goodbye to ek-ekz and everyone... haiii.. what else what else... hmmm.... i think i got me self a printer/scanner/photocopier in 5 min :)) LOL best day :)) and yeaHh... during graduation i received flowers from mommy len and familY :) it maDe my graduation day.. WINNER!!!! wahahaha and not to mention... my rep during highschool... LATE :)) wahahaha yeaaahhh i was late XD LOSER i blame mico! :)) LOL but no harm done :) though sometimes i feel as if i lost like half of my life there. but yeah.. cant do anything about it now.! ate hershey also did my make-up :) march... it was the officiaL start of the princess and the PAUPER :))

*i need to tell the story..* so here it is.. mico and i sleeps super late.. ok he usually sleeps earlier than me. so ok... i decided that we both sleep in the living room so that mama wont know the exact time we slept... of course we make our own bed there in the living room.. the deal was.. i make the bed in the evening.. he will fix it in the morning.. but one time he got up cranky and he didn't want to fix the bed... so i fixed it myself.. then my mother asked me.. "ooohhhh princess??? why are you fixing that??"--seriously english nia talaga nisabi....-- then i was like not yet 100% awake during that time.. *OBVIOUSLY i fixed it myself... DUH if i was 100% awake i wouldn't have done that LOL* i answered my mother like this.. and yeah exactly this way.. "oo nga eh!!! coz' the pauper wont do it eh XD" LOL and then my mother laughed really hard.. and after that i knew i was 100% awake.. :))


flight bacK to the philippines!!!!!!!!! YEHEY!!!! after so many months.. XD finally back to the philippines.. daddy had to miss the flight because he forgot to ask his exit permit which ironically he'd been specifically asking kuka ian to get.. :)) LOL so the 3 of us had the fly without daddy... awww... sayang XD but after a few days like 2 days.. my dad got here.. so there! last april also... i was fixing my admission in ust.. LOL muntik pa ko mag baguio na lang.. XD i thought i wouldn't get in that i was super angry and i am asking my mother to fix a day to go to baguio :)) but yeahh they just scared me and still gave me my rightful slot :)) WAHAHAHA i got to meet old friends again! AND YEAH I FORGOT we broke-up :)) i decided to give him that like days away before my flight!!! wahahahaha that's why i was so happy when i arrived at the philippines... specially when i get to meet new people... coz i am so much very single! :)) WAHAHAHA LOL *no wonder.... LOL*


birthday ni mico.. HAHA the presentation ruled!!!! :)) LOL and yeah house blessing! got to see nikko dapitin again! and some of my highschool friends! i got to see sheryl! christian john! and jewel! :) it was super fun.. and yeah i was enrolled :) officially.. then what else... hmmm ok so my parents with mico left.. XD haiiii.. the start of me being alone XD *never really realized the alone part until the day of their flight XD LOL talk about LATE again :))


1st day of college!!!! my fifteen song was perfected that day! especially for the first day part :)) LOL i met old faces!!!! NEVER THOUGHT I WOULD SEE THEM BUT I DID :) i saw virnz and mikki along with everyone else with my not-so-first-day :) went to sm san lazaro!!! :)) hahaha LOLz it was super fun! andd yeeaaaahhhh!!!! hahaha i bumped someone nung day na un :)) HAHAHA i wish he would remember me..! and come to me one of this days and say that he was the one i bumped on that day *daydreams* haiii.... ;)) and and and... birthday ni mama.. pero nde kme magkasama XD AND AND AND I GOT LOST BIG TIME :)) wahahahaha i got lost sa recto!!! wahahaha LOL super nakakahiya na nakakatakogt at the same timE!!!!! shongakerzs kc!!! toinkz!


1st sem is starting to kill me XD yeah... i dont remember much of my july... LOL :)) selective memory much? :P NOW I KNOW WHY haha looked at my twitter and my tweets last july was all about... my MONTHLY EXAMS wahahaha thats why i cant remember anything! LOL btw i passed all my monthly exams... ithink XD hahaha dun ko unang na realiza how hard college is!!!! nde ka magaral... babagsak ka... magaral ka... BABAGSAK KA PA RIN haiiii... OH OH OH AND I HAD THE BIGGEST BAM! last july :) i kept sleeping with a smile :) HAHAHA not telling what it is about :P


16th birthday!!!! no cake this year XD hmm.. but i have my grandparents so... it's cool! i sang! at mfbc :) i fulfilled my promise to God that i will sing :) and i sang still!!! haha with karen and kua yonard! yehey!! they say.. instant! i say.. DESTINY :)) annnnddd.... i dont remember much of my august too.!!! LOL 1st sem really killed me XD :)) HAHAHA SUPER SARAP TALAGA NG FEELING PAG NAKAKALIMUTAN KO NA BIRTHDAY NIA RIN :)) wahahahaha yup! i forgot that it's lj's birthday..! super sarap ng feeling! wahahaha :P  I SAW RYO :) wahahah LOL mamaya mabasa mo to.. natuwa lang ako nakita kita :)


lolo's birthday!!!!! still stressed with 1st sem... :)) hahaha LOL seriously i think i actually lived up to the song... wake me up when september ends!!! WAHAHAHAHA last september... I HAD THE BADDEST DAY OF THE YEAR.... that day.. i lost my id... in my id i have my lrt card.. buti na lang kasama ko c kim.. kc kulang na ung pera ko :)) an lakas pa kc ng loob mag mini stop :)) wahahahaha then... on my way home... MUNTIK NA KONG MASAGASAAN.. and the worst part is that... ung driver pa ung galit sakin XD LIKE WTH!!!!!! wahahaha anyway.. I AM SO OVER IT :) and and and!!! WENT OUT WITH HASHING!!!! we went to trinoma.!! hahaha my first time there!! :) super saya :)) and ondoy? yeeaahhh... good thing i am lazy.! :)) hahahaha i didnt go to school that day..! :))


grandmhie's birthday...!  and papa kniss returned to his own country... supER stress reliever :)) wahahahahaha seriously XD aNd if last september i had the baddest day.... october got me the MOST AWKWARD MOMENT AWARD hahaha SAY NO TO YM SWITCHING!!!!!!! LOL i was like... uii musta ka na!!!! and then... ahmm cgue sasabihin ko na lang sa kanya XD LOL and it didnt end there.!!! apparently gf nia pala un.. so i was like.. friend nia ko sa doha :) i was like smiling all the time!! wahahaha LOL and and and... last october... my computer DIED haiii XD but wait till next month! and SEM BREAK!!!!!


ok 2nd sem resumed.. pero... MY COMPUTER IS ALIVE!!!! LOL grabe nung morning na nisabi sakin ni mommy na... yeye motherboard daw cra... grabe i ran upstairs and then went down then up again! i did that in.. idk 10 seconds?? haiii that day.. i decided to cut my hair.! i badly needed a haircut! and i did! aun... anyway nabuhay naman ung comp ko and it was better than ever!!!! :) november was my movie month!!! november.. i watched... all about steve.! with joyce zy and jonathan... 2012 with janelle and kim! new moon with tj daddy eldan and arjohn :) last november i also start learning how to drive!!!!!! :)


DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA DOHA :)) yeahhh... december went SUPER FAST :) i had a lot of dramas and super fun experiences!!!!! everybody knows about the drama.. and let me just say this... that drama won the... BEST TRYING TIME of 2009 it was super hard for me.. especially that i was only 16?! wahahaha LOL got a good result for my math!!!! top 5 ako!!!! wahahahaha BAM! and.... i went here DOHA!!!! hahaha.. ok enough for now :) i cant expose my december just yet! :P i'll blog my december separately... coz it was that awesome!!! it deserves its own :)) LOL


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