babY priNcess :D


Actually I’m in the middle of making my family a sort of presentation... Something that i want them to watch whenever they miss me... (hahaha coz I’m pretty and sure that they will) i know that my works aren't that much to view but i still want to make them... i even have a feeling that i  will make my own presentation in all of my birthdays  to surprise everyone (ironic isn't it?) so.... here's the story..

To be really honest... i was shocked that today is May 16 well to be more honest it’s already 12:26 am so technically its now may 17... getting back... i was suppose to meet my old friends today but since i didn't know that today is may 16 i was expecting to meet them sometime next week... what a bummer... since i totally missed it and I’m terribly sorry for it.. I can’t do anything about it... its already done... i hoped they had fun... but there’s one more thing that is bugging me... And it is that my parents will be returning back to Doha on the 29th... when i look it this way... May 16, May 29, it’s not that near yet... So i wasn’t feeling the pressure... But when i look on the calendar... The 29th is just 2 rows apart from the 16th and because technically it is now the 17th they are just a row apart... (i apologize if my description, of how it looks like in the calendar, is wrong but somehow i viewed it that way =)) )  i completely lost track of time... I feel like it is moving very fast... i normally wake up in the afternoon already that’s why... So a few hours after i wake up I’m bound to sleep again :P

Besides... even though i still have a row to spend with my parents here... it still makes me sad... i somehow miss them already... i know i am not the perfect daughter they could ever have and i guess that is why i am feeling this way... i don’t know what I’m feeling right now.. Anyway... i want to get back to what I’m doing for them so...



oK.. at this moment they officiaLLy left me :(( =)) i don’t know why.. I’m sad but at the same time laughing at myself right now...  I’m sad well obviously because its the first time that I’ll be separated from my family -except of course from camps, retreats, sleepovers and etc- and laughing at myself because i know I’m being too dramatic... i know myself very well and i know I’m stronger than this.. -at least that's what i believe-

The presentation thingy that I’ve been making for them.. I finished it several days ago.. But up to now it is not posted on anywhere yet... stupid youtube and its copyright policies... Its not like it will receive 10 000 hits or something i don’t even believe it will reach a hundred views... haaaiixxx... so as of now I’m still searching for a streaming site with no copyright policies =))

Anyway back at the scene a while ago... hours before their flight i was convincing my mother along with everyone to let my little brother -Mico- to study here in the Philippines.. Hahaha like it was a simple decision to be discussed at that moment... But sadly i didn't win... haaaiiixx... So i am left here aloNe by myseLf... with my lolo and lola.. So... correction... I am left here :D

Moments after they left i can’t tell what I’m feeling... And as i enter my room and saw my closet... i started arranging my clothes... Hahaha i don’t even know what's gotten into me that made me arrange my clothes... And not only that i even fixed my bed and actually cleaned every part of my room... i can just imagine.. my parents wishing for them to leave everyday just for me to clean my room =))



While waiting... I’m going to tell you more about the presentation i have made... I think i have mentioned this already but I’ll say it again... That it’s now becoming a tradition to have something like that on a special day... And so i wanted it to be different and much more improved than the previous ones...  And i believe i have achieved that goal... somehow i maDe this one DIFFERENT... Though it stiLL a nooB's work... But it is still DIFFERENT... In a way that i havE really flushed all my emotions there... In that presentation i know i have really said what i wanted to say... i forgot about everything and learned that i will be nothing without my family... i saw their importance and their love while making that presentation....



Truly my family has been my source of love, strength, courage, hope, encouragement, authentication, confidence, and director, driving force, fashion and passion, forever, inspiration, laughter, happiness, potential, light and motivation. You guys are my first love, financers, foundation, handbook, heroes, life, number one supporter, purpose, reason, role model, testimony, whole being and witness. MY EVERYTHING....

fOr tHe oNe whO gaVe me liFe...

~ma.!! Thank you for EVERYTHING... don’t worry too much.. i'LL rememBer everything you said to me..even though i'M not that chOosy.. i'LL carefully choose my friends :)) and i'LL BEHAVE.. ikaw riN ha? hanafy =))

my ever suPPortive father

~thank you for all the hard work... thank you for investing on me.. and i promise that soMeday.. your investments will be compensated :D sorry for not being too nice on you... but during those times~during our arguments~ i just want to tell you and make you accept my opinions :D

my sibliNGs.!!

~kua.. even though we seldom talk ~ i mean real talk~ i have already realized that i am your favorite :)) thank you for sponsoring some of my stuffs and never ~not even onCe~ regretted on buying those for me even if i am being such a brat... thank you..!! and dont forget.. thaT yOur donatiOns are higly appreciatEd.! =)) dont forget to place my basket there in our house and collect every friday huh? :D and before i forget.. the "i hope you finally see the light" thing in the presentation.. its about bonsai ok?? =))

~mico.!! sayang.! a little bit more aNd you're not bouNd to return there anymore.!! anyway its ok.. mama is half true.. you're still a baby pa kc eh XD =)) do good on your studies ok? and goodluck on your basketball career.. =)) say hi to all the teachers there for me.. :D micO doNt forget my poPstar every moNth.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

~ate.!! thank you for always being there for me.. and sOrry i forgoT everything you reminded me :)) anyway its for your own good.. start reducing now.!!! call me everyday huh? dont worry i also know that i'm your favorite =)) thank you for being a big sister.. :D take care..! and my package :D and i'll send you my solicitation letter every now and then for kua jhe ar and kua ian =))

for everyone.!! i'M going to miss you so much.!!! hey.. no world wars ok? :D say hi to mirah and everyone for me ok? even though i'm far.. it doesnt mean that i am no longer a sister and a daughter.. i'LL always be everyone's little girl :D ILOVEYOU.!


i miss yeye :D

if that doesn't work follow this link :

I aLso uploaded it on multiply… since youtube and myspace wont allow me to upload my video.. due to copyright policies ~tsss~ here’s the link :D


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