idK.. :D

oK...i jusT finished wathcing a film.. and i am not telling what it was because it will be embarassing but..
its about high school.. friendship.. and moving on to college.. yeah you might have a guess of what it is right now and i'm letting you believe in your own guesses.. what ever movie you think it is yeah it is that one.. :P

i have never looked graduation this way.. after graduation i felt nothing.. being that our graduation was totally weird like the ambassador telling the parents to vote and something like tHat :D i didnt feet the moment maybe because i wasn't aware that this may be the last time of seeing my classmates again.. or maybe i know that specially after graduation in elementary i transferred school and never saw my classmates again, but i was just afraid of that feeling the feeling of being left behind...

i was so focused on my future that i forgot i am living today. maybe the reason why i can smile through every trial i have is because i look after tomorrow and i am not seeing today. its not a total bad thing to do but i know there is something wrong with that. i should start living my todays like there is no tomorrow. i should see my future as a total future and i should come to that future as fast or slow as it should be. one step at a time.. doNt worry i'LL get tHere..! =))

oK enough of that.... i had postponed this letters for quite some time right now. i should have done these letters during our recollection but i just cant feel the urge to do it. i dont want to force myself in writing it because i know it will not contain all of my emotions, all i wanted to say. i want my letter to be somewhat to be all my emotions and gratitude.... and now i am finally feeling the right emotions i am needing to write those..



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