onCe a highSchoOl stuDeNt...

Now that I'm about to officially close another chapter of my life, a chapter in which i was able to grow and make huge steps, a chapter in which i experienced crying and laughing at the same time, a chapter in which i am deeply captivated with everyone who shared it with me, a chapter that i will never forget for the rest of my life, i want to take this time to reminisce and pour out my emotions for everyone.

I remember my teacher in grade 6 saying how high school is the best time of your life, she said that our elementary memories are nothing compared to what we will get in high school and as i look back, i realized that she's correct. I did experience a lot; unfortunately i didn't enjoy those experiences well enough. I do feel a little regret about how i spent my high school days but seeing the brighter side makes me believe that it is still worthwhile.

During my recollection in my elementary the priest told us to actually say thank you and sorry to everyone because maybe we won't be able to see each other again and it will be a total waste to not let them know what you truly feel for them. i don't know where i got this one but i remember it is about saying the word i love you to everyone you love everyday to let them know how you truly love them is a must since you might die the next day and forever grieve just because you didn't let them know. Last march 20 *i think* in our recollection we had our time to say each one's positive and negative trait and get to say thank you and sorry once again but this time, to also make our promise to one another to let us feel no regrets at all. The point is that, why can't they tell these things in the beginning? I mean wouldn't it be much easier to know these things from the beginning so we won't have to say the phrases "what if" and "if ever" but i guess that's how it goes, we all just have to learn the hard way. After all if there is pain involved, it would be easier for us to remember. Actually we won't be able to forget it even we did want it to be erased. So now to lessen some of my regrets i will start saying thank you, sorry, promise and iloveyous to everyone.

THANK YOU --- first of all GOD, for making me invulnerable at times of hardships and trials and also for making me fragile enough to know when it is enough and for never leaving my side all throughout my life. I know that HE knows how grateful i am, i just want to write it down in case i forgot how thankful i was during this day, and also to inspire whoever reads this to have a strong faith and always take time to believe in him even in the darkest of day. Next is my FAMILY. My pamily is very important to me. =)) lolz just trying to be Janina anyway... My family had been always there to support me. Despite of my unpredictable attitude they still managed to get a hold of me and make me want to endure everything. They have been my inspiration in this journey. I know for the next chapters of my life they will be next to me guiding me in their most absolute way. Now for my FRIENDS, thank you so much, maybe you dont know how much i am grateful of meeting you in my life but now i am going to tell you i am. I am so thankful that i have friends like you. I know that GOD had carefully planned for me to meet all of you. Words can't express how thankful i am that i have met such wonderful friends that really helped me through thick and thin. Next are my TEACHERS, ma'am and sir thank you for sharing a bit of your knowledge to us. Thank you for never letting us go astray and for helping us in achieving the best person we could be. Thank you for all the sleepless nights checking our works and still going to school every morning. Thank you for being our second parents and caring for us as if we are your sons and daughters. Finally i want to say thank you to anyone who had caused me heartbreaks and pains. You had made me into this person that i like now. Thank you for making me learn, intentionally or not, thank you. And i have forgiven and forgotten all the heartbreak that i had experienced and i will always see those pains as a learning experience.

SORRY --- JESUS if at times i had failed you and made you feel sad, if I had disappointed you at times. Sorry if I can't be the best example of your faith and if at times your love can't be seen with me. But I truly know that despite of all of that your love for me is everlasting and unconditional. So thank you again :D. Ma, sorry for all the problems that I have caused you. Sorry for making you cry and for making you feel sad. Sorry for not being able to be the best daughter that you could have. Dad, sorry for failing you in any way. And with the doctor thing, it's really nothing actually I have found what I will specialize in when I become a doctor and it is inspired by you J Sorry if I don’t always agree to what you think. Hmm.. friends.. Sorry if I haven’t been the best friend you can have while you are being the best friends to me. Sorry for my temper and not being too considerate at times. Sorry if ever we have fought before. Sorry if ever I have offended you in any way and don’t hesitate to confront me and give me a slapping if ever I deserve one. For my teachers… sorry for causing you headaches. Sorry for being too talkative and paying less attention while you are having your lessons. Sorry for cheating at times and not letting you know about it J peace! Sorry for all of those I have hurt whether I am aware of it or not. Sorry if I am not the person you expect I am and sorry if I have mistreated you or something but believe me this time I'm terribly SORRY

PROMISE --- LORD I'll be your servant forever and this time I will really let you take over my life. I will let you handle every decision and follow you without any hesitations. I promise that I will be faithful and still. This time I want to offer you everything. To my parents, I promise that I will finish my studies and become one of the best doctors the world has ever known. I promise to be more responsible and better daughter that you want to have. I promise that I will love you and always consider you in every thing that I will do. For my friends, I promise that I will keep in touch and I will never try to forget all of you. It is true that I will be able to meet new friends but I am never willing to replace them for you. I promise to cherish all our memories and keep them in my heart.

To my God, family, friends, teachers and to everyone I LOVE YOU.! I am sorry if I have only said it now but I do, and thank you for everything.! I will never forget you.! Hope I can see you at my debut, when I receive my diploma in college, in my first job, in my wedding ad lots more.! I know that this is not going to be a goodbye but instead SEE YOU LATER.!


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