The story behind me....'s my

and since it is my first blog...

i want to share to you a story.. a story of how i got ME..

*flashback* when i was still learning my piano...-take note... I still haven't mastered it yet..!!- our neighbor specifically kuya mac-hi kuya mac!!- tried to teach me a song...he said it was entitled still...he also said that it was a christian song...but i didn't know it yet to make the story short..i ignored him...and didn't learn the song...

*last year* then...last year...i think it was november or october...i went to this was the encounter god retreat.. it really did change my life... and there was this pastor...pastor eLmer...-hi pastor eLmer!!- who always sings this song everytime we go to sleep... the first time i heard the song... i loved it already...

when i remember that... it hit me...

i realized that God is always there from the very beginning... he introduced me that song but i refused it...and then he gave it back to me...

that song...changed my life...

i believe the song came from psalms 46:10 "be still and know that he is GOD...." and there God revealed many things...

before whenever i'm down and troubled... i cry., i get mad., i worry., i even curse sometimes... but when he gave me that song... i realized that all i have to do is be still and know that he is GOD...he is always under control.... we don't need to worry, to cry or to get mad...

that song also became my promise to GOD.... i'll be still no matter what... cause i know HE is worth it...

i want to share the song that changed my whole life though you might know it already...i also want to let the world hear my testimony of His love and greatness that is shown in my life...

i believe i'm blessed because i realized this things at the age of 14... i have many more years to spend, to enjoy what he has given me today...the greatest thing the world could ever offer....SALVATION....

here's the lyrics of the song...

Still - Hillsong

Hide me now under your wings

Cover me, within your mighty hand

when the oceans rise and thunders roar

i will soar with you above the storm

father you are king over the flood

i will be still know you are god

find rest my soul


know his power in quietness and trust

when the oceans rise and thunders roar

i will soar with you above the storm

father you are king over the flood

i will be still know you are god

thank you for taking the time reading it... and i hope that GOD will also reveal to you his plans...plans to prosper you and give you hope....i believe that this is just the beginning of the things that he will reveal to me... he has many more seeds to plant in my life...and i'll be willing to make them grow....buT don't fOrget that gOd heLp thOse who heLp themselves...


*POST MODIFIED :) - January 9, 2012


  1. you see, the great thing about your blog mariel, ever since the start, you've been talking about God :) and how He's been part of your life. if you actually read my stuff, i started with just myself. crappy self that is.

    i wasn't joking when i said that you're a good writer :) cheers!


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