
Showing posts from 2007

The story behind me....'s my first blog.!!! and since it is my first blog... i want to share to you a story.. a story of how i got ME .. *flashback* when i was still learning my piano...-take note... I still haven't mastered it yet..!!- our neighbor specifically kuya mac-hi kuya mac!!- tried to teach me a song...he said it was entitled still...he also said that it was a christian song...but i didn't know it yet to make the story short..i ignored him...and didn't learn the song... *last year* then...last year...i think it was november or october...i went to this was the encounter god retreat.. it really did change my life... and there was this pastor...pastor eLmer...-hi pastor eLmer!!- who always sings this song everytime we go to sleep... the first time i heard the song... i loved it already... when i remember that... it hit me... i realized that God is always there from the very beginning... he introduced me that song but i refused it...and then ...