He knows my name, He knows my every thought, He sees each tear that falls and He hears me when I call... From those simple truths, I find comfort and peace... My God knows me... He hears me, he listens. HE KNOWS... Jesus wants our faith to go a step higher again... He wants us to COMPLETELY surrender. I guess that's what he wanted from us in the beginning but I believe he is just making it clear now... I still believe that He will do great things for my dad... But to be honest, I am scared... because we are now at unpaved roads... with no more checkpoints, no more signs to follow, only with a light to look forward to... Our hope wasn't in the meds to begin with.. Our hope is in Christ alone.. Daddy, I know you're just right there but I am too chicken to say this to you... It pains me to see you like this, but I am not ready to give you to Jesus just yet... We still have a lot to do.. We still have to go to korea, have you marry mama in a church, dance at my wedding,...