
Showing posts from December, 2009


GOT IT FROM JOYCE NOELLE PARAISO :) hehe pacopy ha? :) RULE 1 You can only say Guilty or Innocent. RULE 2 You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks! (So people reading this, if you want an explanation, comment.) Now, here's what you're supposed to do... And please do not spoil the fun. Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag 20 of your friends to answer this. Then see what happens. Kissed one of your Facebook friends? ~GUILTY Danced on a table in a bar? ~INNOCENT Ever told a lie? ~GUILTY Had feelings for someone whom you can't have back? ~GUILTY Ever kissed someone of the same sex? ~guilty XD Kissed a picture? ~GUILTY Slept in until 5 PM? ~INNOCENT Fallen asleep at work/school? ~GUILTY Held a snake? ~INNOCENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Been suspended from school? ~GUILTY :)) Worked at a fast food restaurant? ~INNOCENT Been fired from a job? ~INNOCENT Done something you regret? ~GUILTY! Laughed unt...

45 things you need to know :)

i got it from my mama :P yellow - funny XD pink - agree! red - strongly agree! 1. liFe isn't fair buT it's stiLL good 2. wHen in douBT jusT taKe tHe nexT smaLL steP 3. Life is tOo sHort to wasTe time haTing anyone! :P 4. job wont take care of you whne you are sick. your friends and parents will. stay in touch 5. pay off your credit cards every month 6. you dont have to win every argument. agree to disagree 7. cry with someone. it's more healing than crying alone 8. it's ok to get angry with god. he can take it 9. save for retirement starting with your first paycheck 10. wHen it cOmes to chOcoLate, resistance is futile 11. make peace with your past so it wont screw up the present -- LOL 12. it's ok tp let your children see you cry 13. dont compare your life to others.. you have no idea what their journey is all about 14. if a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it 15. everything can change in the blink of an eye. but dont worry god never blinks 1...

the princess is bacK oN her castLe.!

yeeaaaahhhhh :)) i mean it.. the princess is back on her castle XD LOL hahaha before i start blogging what happened to me with the whole flight... just gotta say it... I JUST HAD A HOT BATH :D YIIIIEEEEEEE after 9 months? i finally had my super rewarding hot bath... oh my gosh... the feeling was like.... hhhaaaiiiiiii :) in a good way.. :) so let me start now.. it was the day of my much awaited flight... the day that i have been expecting from i dont know when.. the day i will go back HOME. :) honestly i was scared, afraid and terrified... i was scared that my visa would be questioned and etc. i was afraid that my flight would be cancelled and would be rescheduled... i was terrified that i would be flying alone.... but with those fears in me.. i still was excited :) and maybe i was super excited that i overpowered-forgot?- my fears..! sooo ok :) going to the airport.. honda isnt being cooperative.. he was like overheating? and the traffic was whoah! so i decided to just sleep rather th...